Renoise update?Whats going on?

Renoise is like a good wine. It needs to age, don’t touch it! Changes are not good anyway and just confusing.

The only missing thing I really want in Renoise is a native Nibbles.

You could argue that the Lua scripted Nibbles is good enough, however, in today’sworld only a C++ coded Nibbles would deliver the required speed to compete with the other DAWs out there.

It’sreally disappointing that we don’t have a native Nibbles after all these years, and I hope taktik will come to his senses andthat his new secret project is aiming to approach this particular issue seriously.

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Renoise is like a good wine

I like wine, but Linie Akvavit has the best idea. Basically, put the bottle on board a ship and then let it cruise across the world - crossing the equator a couple of times.

Supposedly, the gentle movement of the waves should make it taste better.

Now I wonder how that could be translated into the digital domain. Special edition copies that have been transmitted by laser to the moon and back?

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…Special edition copies that have been transmitted by laser to the moon and back…

Ah now I see why the bugfix was delayed and rns 3.2 is on hold. Always technical problems with the lasers, and the engineers to fix them are currently busy doing something with the large hadron collider at cern…

What about the special bass boosting circuit you promised us for 3.2? I mean the one that doesn’t let a speaker cone vibrate, but the whole planet earth by electromagnetic manipulation from the moon, for that real rumble low end…it didn’t get approved due to concerns regarding possible abuse as weapon of mass destruction?

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Why does everyone want renoise to be pro tools? All this feature creep is going to kill it. You bought renoise cause you were sick of running fast tracker 2 in dosbox or using ass trackers like mod plug. Quit picking on the devs!

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Heh, the nice thing about it is, that renoise is already so crazily improved over old progs like ft2, that it is already able to yield top quality results like the top notch daws if you do it right. Thus people expect it to be able to also do the last missing links for it being comparable in power to those big daws. Thats it, and then they love renoise so much, that they love the forum into bits and pieces, but finally don’t succeed in it, and then…

Thus people expect it to be able to also do the last missing links for it being comparable in power to those big daws.

Nope. I expect an update once a year. That’s all. And that’s acceptable.

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I’m here just to add another line of respect, and want to support the longlivity of Renoise bigtime.

Yes, I am the one that spawned the many posts since 2001 to add 1 single feature.

But I feel sorry about it now that the most important piece of software on my PC has its ‘hard times’.

Taktik, if you ever scroll through this, i’d advise you to ask the large community whatever you need.

It be time, money, more developers or helping hands in other ways - everything can be achieved with the large Renoise community.

I cannot thank you enough for the countless memories, inspiration and joy your creation has given us all.

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“Aint the size of the hammer, it’s how hard you can swing it”

John Lennon, 1936.

“The fish is paid expensive”

Kniertje, 1900

Hey guys, what’s goin on ? Alright, alright.

Why does everyone want renoise to be pro tools? All this feature creep is going to kill it. You bought renoise cause you were sick of running fast tracker 2 in dosbox or using ass trackers like mod plug. Quit picking on the devs!

Yes, I bought a modern tracker because technological advancement had obsoleted the old ones. Now I face the situation that technological advancement (high-dpi displays) is threatening to obsolete Renoise. There is no real alternative, though, which is why I keep sticking around and hoping for high-dpi support in a Renoise update. I don’t miss any other features. :slight_smile:

hell yeah, in my top ten list of best albums of all time (upper half^^).

returning to renoise topic:

i am still working more with renoise than with live or bitwig. i still enjoy editing my music inside the tracker-view a lot more than any miniaturized waveform-view or midi-view.

I hope for updating the vibrato and tremelo commands so they cycle in time + audiotracks (vertical?) for more easily adding guitar or vocals in one take instead of using lots of offset commands. Also a simple native synth like morphsynth or customwave that doesnt need to render waveforms, just plays. Those things would be very good

Yes, I bought a modern tracker because technological advancement had obsoleted the old ones. Now I face the situation that technological advancement (high-dpi displays) is threatening to obsolete Renoise. There is no real alternative, though, which is why I keep sticking around and hoping for high-dpi support in a Renoise update. I don’t miss any other features. :slight_smile:

Same here. I was facing having to learn that multi-dimensional Beast (Logic) and longed instead to return to something like Opcode’s SVP…most everything displayed (or display-able) in one window. That’s how I became attracted to Renoise, for the single window overview of most program attributes. I’m still getting used to vertical scrolling (as a sheet-reading musician) but it’s not really a deal-breaker.

PS: Mivo, how are ‘high-dpi displays’ making Renoise obsolete? Doesn’t it just render lower dpi apps like Renoise at a less-than-lickable quality–but still perfectly usable?

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I just bought Redux to do some kind of ‘donation’ - makes me feel good.
I don’t use other DAW’s then Renoise and intend to use the plugin within Renoise.

About a year ago, I asked back my money because I read the features of Redux would all be included in Renoise 3.x

Well, I dont care anymore and spend my hard earned cash on a warm fuzzy feeling.

Just wanted to post that here.

Oh and I played the Renoise Redux Teaser clip in loop, just to hear the awesome track behind it: