Renoise & Virus Ti Vst Problems

I recently got a Snow as the TI issue was resolved in 2.6.
For me it works without issues but I’m still on Vista 64bit (haven’t had the time to go to W7).
One thing though if you read the changelog of the Virus updates is that it’s seems there are graphic performance issues when running W7.
On the other hand SPDK seem to be running it on W7.

Problems have been gone since renoise 2.6b

Are you sure it’s not a usb problem? Did you install a usb pci card in your computer just for the Virus? It helps!

Not sure if you asked me on the second line there.
But just in case, I don’t have any issues, working great for me.

Only an update, have just installed W7 x64 on the same machine as before.
Have no issues with synch or late trigger of the notes (using b7 right now)

Hi guys
ti work good in renoise 2.6 but records with cracles and lost triggers=( (render selection to sample)
maybe i do something wrong? (tos 4.05 win xp sp3 r.2.6 asio buffer 128)

I get the same result when trying render to sample, or when rendering the whole song.
Win7 x64, same TI OS as you (to be precise 4.05.01).
Plays fine but rendering doesn’t seem to work.

I get the same issues. I tried to enable static processing buffers but it still doesn’t work when i render.
don’t know what to do.

i think the way- record live via spdif to sample

and another:
midi channel 1 plays bass
midi 3 plays leads
but leads plays in bass channel/in setup routing nothing on, when if i play pattern with lead and withot bass-all ok when togethet with bass-leads plays in bass channel
what is…?

Not sure I follow you but you could just record the channel you want.
E.g. if you use a lead on track1, put e.g. TapeIT VST in the track and record the track.
No need to go through SPDIF and back.
But it would be nice if “render” would work, not sure why it doesn’t though.
Even with “real time” render it will produce static/crackles.

Where’s the rendering issue at with the 2.7 beta ?
Thinking of buying a TI Snow but that would be a deal breaker.

I’m running TiOS 4.5 public beta and 2.7 b5.
One of the problem songs that I have, does actually render correctly now.
Before there were some weird timing/pitch issue at one point or another.
So I can’t promise it’s 100% there but it seems that at least some work now.

Will try some more and see if it keeps that way or if it’s a case of an intermitent error.
Or if it’s 4.5 or 2.7 that got it working :)

Thanks for the input. Sounds promising :)

Can someone from the Renoise team confirm if there is some bug fixing involved in the 2.7 beta regarding that issue, plz ?

Virus issues alive and kicking again?

Been following these singe I bought a TI 2-3 years back (checks thread…2008??? /feels old!) and it has never quite been 100% functional in Renoise (I gather Renoise is not alone here though by any means).

One thing I have noticed is there are potentially different behaviours between hardware models and revisions. I have a TI which seems to struggle with rendering. TI2s and Snows seem to display different behaviours under the same conditions. People tend to post their TIOS version and Renoise version but not what revision of the hardware they have. This information is just as useful, especially to those of us who have been trolling this thread for years :)

For the record My setup is.

Renoise 2.7.0 (Beta 6)
TIOS 4.05.01
Virus TI Polar (First revision)
WIN7 Ultimate 64

Outstanding issues

Clicks and pops rendering
Virus TI clock can drop beats, is sloppy and can occasionally run wildly fast or slow.

Of course things have come long way for us TI owners. The render issue can be circumnavigated by using TapeIT (as already mentioned) and the timing issues are intermittent enough that they are only an issue live…VC LIVE!!! Seriously…if you are insane enough to trust Virus Control in a live situation I’d love for you to post…I like you already :)

I’d like to know if Snow or TI2 users are in the same boat. Also other first revision users that have no issues or different issues.


Haplo; your song that renders. Do you have any tempo synced effects on it, delays, arps etc.? I have noticed that issues tend to be at their worst when you have a lot of things relying on a clock sync. If not add them and see if they UNLEASH HORROR!! Of course if you already do have a bunch of clock synced effects on there…this is fantastic news.

Perhaps we should put together a simple xrns with a bunch of TI sounds in it that TI users can use as a test bed?

I’ll check when I get home after the easter.
Most of the time I use patches with e.g. delay’s that are synched.
But it’s a good idea to put together a “example” .xrns.
I would suggest though that the patch-names are written somewere, since I need to start the snow-“version” of the plugin.

When rendering, please make sure you are rendering in !realtime! in Renoise 2.7. This definitely is needed for the Virus to get correct timing, and actually was one of the reasons why we’ve added this for 2.7.

Hi Taktik, I only tried the realtime setting in earlier versions it still didn’t render correctly.
So most of the time I just put a “TapeIt” instance on the master track to “render” the song.

Same here. I’ve always rendered realtime with the Virus. Timing issues mentioned are present rendering and during playback (clock just goes mental sometimes).

Concerning the example XRNS might need a couple of them. Just basic sounds that test without stressing the Virus’ processors and another that throws around hyper-saws and complex formants like cheap booze to test it under stress.

Concerning Snow users, I’ve had success in the past just fiddling with the XML in the XRNS to point the instrument to the snow plug in instead of the normal one. Provided you don’t go above 4 parts of course. Though putting up the patches as midi is probably…errr…less of a filthy hack.

@ Taktik : any idea if this is going to get fixed in a near future ?

What exactly? To be honest, I lost the overview of what works and what not, what is a Renoise problem what a Virus problem. We did a few things in the last releases to improve compatibility just for the virus.

If we know details, lets contact Access to get this sorted out with them…

There’s still some latency using the Virus Control. Up to ~50 ms on playback.