Renoise Window Style On Open/Save Module

what do you think? native windows style on open/save file just ruins the  look of program.

I think I’ll continue to use the built-in Disk Browser for all file operations, so I never have to see the Windows version :)

But to be honest, I think it’s not a good idea to replace a core component of the OS like that. People are using Windows, MacOS, Linux, etc., every day and seeing the same file dialogs in all their favourite applications, so they become very familiar with a certain way of doing things. I think a lot of people might be confused or a bit annoyed if the standard method was suddenly replaced with something that did not function in the same way.

At the moment, it’s like we have the best of both worlds. Disk Browser if you want to ignore the OS, and standard file dialogs if you don’t.

I think that everything which works well and would require time to be substituted with something which works equally well, would leave less time available for more important things.

hmm…maybe you right at this point…