Heya. I know a lot of you were enthusiastic about the PXU linux plugin suite.
I was just in the area, and dowloaded Renoise 3.0. And I can say something about that too.
We have certain laws in our system, that includes some principles against abuse of people, and pyramic schemes etc. Linux seems unfortunately to be just that. Which one notices as one gets to know the environment, and pretenses turns to many similar “op-whore” scenarios online. Totemism is also facism, and certainly there are facist attitudes in Linux. And analysing Linux, one sees old hippie myths about the outdated Unix, still preserved by similar people, who at some point were arrested in development by hallucinogens, and still put forth the same opinions. The Tanenbaum book Linus learned Unix-kernel programming from, has a mushroom on the cover. And since his covers have featured hallucinogenic commentary on Linux for years. Stallman recently made a video on youtube - “St Ignucius”.
This is like a flashback right from the 70s.
With his FSF song, showing the same arrested development:
These drugs were banned for a reason, and open source is not about freedom, neither for hackers or people in general. If you thought he “just can´t sing” it might actually be that he sounds retarded due to the drugs, rather. Do also read:https://www.facebook.com/notes/ove-karlsen/forbidden-hallucinogenic-poisons-facistic-ideologies-demons-and-mkultra/1479758278905520
I can´t be part of this ofcourse, as a religious person. And nobody will succeed with a Stallman totem, that simply means an idol of being screwed over. That is all that is happening in the Linux scene, and with people working for free, it will always be like that.
I would encourage everyone to leave simple egotistic sentiments about open source, and join the developed world. People in the amazon, who uses hallucinogens, still shoot arrows at “holy birds” 
My website has also moved, and I am working on a commercial project now, and actually also released all my music in digital download stores. If you want to check that out, see www.monotheo.biz.
Peace Be With You.