Repitch Mode disappear

Hello all,

I am a newbie in Renoise and Like Jungle.
So I Watched a Video from groovin in g.
In my Sampler Settings there is no repitch. So my slices will have different pitches because the lenght. Repitch Mode is disappear

How can i have the Repitch Mode?

You can adjust repitch by using the beatsync mode (marked red on the picture).

But when using the beatsync mode i prefer to pitch the sample before slicing the breaks and resample the pitched break, so that you have a new recorded, already pitched version of the break. This insures that all the slices have the same pitch. Because repitching the individual slices via beatsync can cause different pitched slices. This is because the slices often have different sample lengths. So a longer slice may be pitched way higher than a shorter slice, because repitching in beatsync mode depends on the length of a sample or sample slice. . After you can slice the break to your taste. The repitch mode pitches a unsliced sample in a way, that the file’s overall length matches the tempo of the song and also that the file is playing exactly in rhythm of the song tempo.

If you don’t see the beatsync settings in your Renoise sampler, maybe you use an older version of Renoise that doesn’t have these settings yet?

But i for myself wouldn’t use the beatsync to slice and repitch a break, because the timestretch algorithms of the beatsync can start sounding weird when overdoing. First i slice my breaks, then i mark all the slices and use the “transpose” and “Finetune” settings. So i can tune all the individual slices to the same pitch.

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Hi thanks…
I have the Demo Version. I Download the Version perhaps 2-3 years ago.
The Mode Menue is Not in the browser.

I will Download the new Version

By using the transpose settings to pitch the slices instead of beatsync, it can happen that some slices will get shorter, because they will play at a higher speed to reach the pitch. So it then cann happen, that some slices will end aprubt before reaching the next slice and you will get an unwanted gap.
You can solve this by setting a sample loop at the end of the sample slice like in the picture below and set the loop to pingpong mode. So it will play a loop to fill the gap, which sounds much better.
Propellerheads Recycle software uses the same thechnique, there it is called “stretch”. But the slices will not be streched. Instead of stretching it just adds a small pingpong loop at the end of a slice.

Here’s an example with a looped slice:

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Thank You very much, sir

I will Check all your tips