Replot 0.3


A few months ago I’ve developed a Java-based tool which can generate automation envelope by function definitions.
You can copy the automation envelopes to clipboard and paste them into Renoise.

Despite it’s alpha status it may be helpfull, so I want to share it.

How can I put it on the download page ?

thanks in advance

If its an alpha version, add it here as attachment?

It is theoretically possible to wrap java program to XRNX too, but unless you do that you shouldn’t upload to the tools page anyway. It’s only for XRNX files - renoise extensions that can be installed inside Renoise.

ok I’ll post my stuff tomorrow, here

I don’t think that the XRNX tool page is the right place for this stuff. It’s a pure external tool.

Ok here’s the Version 0.3 (attached ZIP):


RePlot v0.3 - Renoise automation curve function plotter

© 2010 Matthias Ehrmann (Airmann)


This Java application is based on the OpenSource FuncPlotter: © 2005-2008 Andy Morgan-Richards

With RePlot you can define functions and value ranges.
The values are copied as XML document into the clipboard.
From the clipboard you can paste the values into a Renoise automation envelope
Just Start Renoise, execute the jar file, open a function and
paste clipboard into an automation envelope.

With this function you can create alternative fades, crossfades,
or nice oscillation curves. Whatever. The sky is the limit.

There’s a demo song included which contains different
crossfade envelopes that were created with RePlot. It demonstrates
the “equal gain crossfade” vs. “equal power crossfade”.


  • All functions have a comment with usefull information.
    Just open the comment view in RePlot (strg-m)

  • Inbuilt math functions are:

  • the DB function is the Renoise dB-Function

  • for more information have a look at the FuncPlotter documentation

  • Not supported, right now: bipolar envelopes, quantum envelopes,
    other envelopes (LFO, instrument)


This Software is licensed under the GPL V3

Sorry forgot to attach the tool itself:

@Admins: can you rename this thread into “RePlot 0.3 - Renoise automation curve plotter” Thanks !

And here’s a demo song, which demonstrates “equal gain vs. equal power” crossfade

wow, this looks great! Downloading now :) thanks.

edit: getting a bunch of notices trying to extract the .zip:

“! C:\Documents and Settings\richard\Local Settings\Temp\ Unknown method in release_0_3\functions\crossfades\xfade_equal_gain_linear.xml
! C:\Documents and Settings\richard\Local Settings\Temp\ Unknown method in release_0_3\functions\crossfades\xfade_equal_gain_sigmoids.xml
! C:\Documents and Settings\richard\Local Settings\Temp\ Unknown method in release_0_3\functions\crossfades\xfade_equal_power_sin_cos.xml
! C:\Documents and Settings\richard\Local Settings\Temp\ Unknown method in release_0_3\functions\crossfades\xfade_linkwitz_riley.xml
! C:\Documents and Settings\richard\Local Settings\Temp\ Unknown method in release_0_3\functions\fades\fade_cos.xml
! C:\Documents and Settings\richard\Local Settings\Temp\ Unknown method in release_0_3\functions\fades\fade_log.xml
! C:\Documents and Settings\richard\Local Settings\Temp\ Unknown method in release_0_3\functions\fades\fade_log_interpolation_family.xml
! C:\Documents and Settings\richard\Local Settings\Temp\ Unknown method in release_0_3\functions\fades\fade_quadratic.xml
! C:\Documents and Settings\richard\Local Settings\Temp\ Unknown method in release_0_3\functions\fades\fade_renoise.xml
! C:\Documents and Settings\richard\Local Settings\Temp\ Unknown method in release_0_3\functions\oscillations\osc_cos_sweep.xml
! C:\Documents and Settings\richard\Local Settings\Temp\ Unknown method in release_0_3\functions\oscillations\osc_damped_sine.xml
! C:\Documents and Settings\richard\Local Settings\Temp\ Unknown method in release_0_3\functions\oscillations\osc_damped_sine_256.xml
! C:\Documents and Settings\richard\Local Settings\Temp\ Unknown method in release_0_3\functions\oscillations\osc_sine.xml
! C:\Documents and Settings\richard\Local Settings\Temp\ Unknown method in release_0_3\functions\oscillations\osc_sine_down.xml
! C:\Documents and Settings\richard\Local Settings\Temp\ Unknown method in release_0_3\functions\other\db_function.xml
! C:\Documents and Settings\richard\Local Settings\Temp\ Unknown method in release_0_3\functions\other\exp_e_10.xml
! C:\Documents and Settings\richard\Local Settings\Temp\ Unknown method in release_0_3\LICENSE.txt
! C:\Documents and Settings\richard\Local Settings\Temp\ Unknown method in release_0_3\README.txt
! C:\Documents and Settings\richard\Local Settings\Temp\ Unknown method in release_0_3\RePlot_0_3.jar”

fixed the file … was compressed using bzip2 instead of deflate … should work now

the copy mechanism is alpha-state right now. You have to hide the other functions in order to copy a specific function.
Right now the function values are copied to clipboard at every GUI refresh. I know this is not very nice, but I’ve planed to fix this later on
by adding a dedicated “copy to clipboard” button.

Maybe I should’ve mentioned that this was always a generative development tool for me.
It was developed because of the lack of proper Renoise automation curve generation (think of crossfades and so on).

So far it served me well, but I think the answer to fades/xfades etc. in general can’t be this tool.
A LUA script or Renoise core-extension would IMO be the better solution. But maybe RePlot can help to develop such things ?
Anyway, I won’t put too much time into this. Only minor changes.

So can we add this to the Tool&Utilities download page ? If so, how ?

would be great

wow, cool :D !

One thing: because of the forum’s 512 KB limit I had to remove the source files from the ZIP file.
Can I send you an updated version via Mail ?

best regards

Hey awesome :dribble:, LUA is really a fine thing. Curves+Pictures were taken from RePlot, right ? That’s a good example about what I meant.
Maybe a workaround for the missing graphics engine could be an array of sliders (like a graphical EQ) ?

BTW: I don’t think this is sooo impractical. It’s like a curve-library-extension that extends the presets 1-8.

Killer would be of course parametrization: pattern length, curve parameters like steepness and so on.
Even better would probably be an integration in the automation editor itself. But this may be difficult because of the LUA limitations, right ?

Oki… let’s see when I can improve that “auto-clipboard-copy-thing”.

…really surprised me - your LUA tool :D

Regarding Wave Generator:
I had exactly the same thought. Good idea ! Only thing is that it’s more related to oscillation, or ? My focus laid more on general functions and fading/xfading.

sent you the full version via mail

Wait, did I just do a double take?