Reseq: A New Tool (Or Tool Idea Or Prototype)

Hi there.

As some of you saw at this thread and on this video, I’ve been working on a little tool to generate notes/sequences from algorithms (or formulae or expressions, as you name it). I decided to call it ReSeq and give it some love. I made some major changes, so the version of the video is obsolete, but you get the idea.

The code is at GitHub so, if anyone wants to contribute, report issues (which I already know some, cause the tool really at the early beginning) you can do it over there. I’m happy about contributions or suggestions how can I do something better.

The interface now looks like this:

And now I don’t use the | | | | delimiters for the steps, but just using new lines. So the code in the image produces a 60, empty, empty, and 60 or empty (in the note colunm).

So basically you can choose which parameter to generate (note, vol, pan… not yet fx!) which kind of sequencing (normal sequence, random, batch random, interlacing is not working…) and which track. Then you write your code with new lines for each ‘step’ and well, these will be executed in the chosen sequencing mode, generates values, and puts them in the track/column. It is nice to generate some repetitive things with a little bit of randomness, and more rules than just a straight sequence.

I wanted this to be like the Formula Device which I liked a lot, and think the interface is pretty nice and simplified, so even non programmes might use it.

So, happy to hear comments, suggestions, critic, and most of all, happy for some contributions, or even maybe someone wants to make a similar tool, but bigger, better and more productive then my first approach ;)

Tried to put a little help file in the README and some formula examples.

Have fun trying out ReSeq!

EDIT: When the tool is working I may start working on a stochastic synthesis tool, so I hope to be finished with this prototype soon :)

Had a little thought about this the other night.

I take it “r{a,b,c,d,e,f}” randomly chooses one of the values a-f, if you want to give a value more weighting you enter it more than one but it’s a random pool.

I was thinking a bidirectional command: “b{a,b,c,d,e,f}” so say a “c” had just been entered the next possible would be either a “b” or a “d” etc etc. (EG It might of gone a,f,a,b,c to get to that c.)

Hey, thanks, yes I was thinking of making more functions/closures/patterns for making random walks in a table and also weighted randomness, something like:

b({1,2,3,4}, max_step_size) --> random walk  
w({1,2,3,4}, {scores}) --> weighted random choose  
s{1,2,3,4} --> sequence  

So if you write something like:


you will get:

60, _, 1, _, 60, _, 2, _, 60, _, 3, _, 60, _, 1 ...  

and well, random walk (or brownian motion) and weighted choose speak for themselves :) Thanks for the idea!

I will be travelling and giving concerts (not yet with renoise) so I will make the additions in a few weeks.