'reset' Vst So Timbre/effect Is Same For Each Note

Some VSTs vary the sound of each note slightly for effect. So to clarify:





…for some VSTs, each C-5 will sound slightly different.

That’s all well and good - it creates a more ‘natural’ sound, as if the note is being pressed in a different way.

However, sometimes I want it to be more deterministic. If one’s not careful, the phase of the sound can be ‘weak’ one moment and strong the next, and this will happen randomly due to the way the VST processes the sound. Thus a tune where you might expect a note to sound weak will be strong next time you play it (or vice versa).

Basically, is there an effect command to ‘reset’ the VST, so it always starts a note with the same phase/timbre/strength?

No, there isn’t (AFAIK), and it wouldn’t make much sense anyway, because:

  1. This might cause glitches, as reset might force the VST to reload/rebuild resources.
  2. The technology how synth timbre is built is relatively complex and not always the same on every synth, so there is absolutely NO guarantee that the reset will actually make two notes sound alike.

What you want though, is render selection to sample, which would work perfectly well. Also some synth have settings, to make it sound same on each note.