Resynth2 Released

request, toggles for NNA

Confirmed. Version 2.3 will hook into song closing and close down the interface to the bound instrument.

Just treat the instrument as a normal XRNI. All oscillator settings are stored in the sample names to continue editing. However, with this method, users who do not have ReSynth installed can still use the instrument (due to the prerendered waveforms).

Agreed. To be added in 2.3.

mxb: second request - a third menu entry / shortcut, which is “Create ReSynth instrument in this instrument”. Does not overwrite midi port or VST/Au synthesizer settings. However, does do this for the sample-data (next iteration would be to actually move the sampledata away from the ReSynth specific slots which you always use - but that’s pie in the sky feature request area)

I also have a small feature request. How about right clicking on a knob resets it to the default value? At the moment you can reset all the knobs but resetting just one you have to do manually which is a bit of a pain. This might also be groovy for FMsynth!

I agree it would be useful. However, I don’t think you can receive click events in the ViewBuilder API for rotary controls (only change value events).

I would be happy to be proved wrong here though!

Can you have overlaid items in the ViewBuilder? From what I remember the answer is No. If you could then transparent Bitmaps over the buttons seems to allow buttons presses etc. Although maybe the would stop you actually being able to get to the knob underneath… I also can’t see any evidence right-click is supported as a separate action to normal/left-click.

API feature request?

+1 on this one. ctrl-click, shift-click, alt-click, cmd-click, anything to reset it back to zero. mind you, i wouldnt mind having a -24, -12, 0, +12, +24 available to me in the pitch transposition area, directly. but i can understand that not everyone wants this kinda stuff.

That is kind of a pain. I guess having a “reset” button under each rotary control would be too cluttered. Thanks for considering it though!


According mxb on the previous page, rotary controllers probably don’t take click commands.

mxb, i know you’re busy doing pretty much everything (!) but you might want to look at this thread, since it transformed into a feature request/query, relating to your resynth2.

I want to make the waveforms folder to be a shortcut or under linux, a softlink. I’m gonna look at the code tomorrow if it’s possible (ln -s worked under linux while running renoise so it should be possible :D).