Return to start position on stop

Hi guys

Title says it all :slight_smile: Is this possible out of the box?

NNA in the sample properties is what I think you’re looking for. Set it to “continue”

Hold on, I’m wrong about that.

Can you actually elaborate?

I would imagine most people switch off pattern scroll (scroll lock key) and probably use something like Shift+space to play the song. But with pattern scroll enabled if you wanted to return to the line that you started the song from you could write a key binding tool to map a key to start/stop the song (under Global:Transport). I thought something like:

-- Start and Stop recall 4Tey

local spos
renoise.tool():add_keybinding {
  name = "Global:Transport:StartStopRecall",
  invoke = function()
    if( == true and spos ~= nil then = spos = spos
      spos = nil
      spos =

You could map that to a key.

It’s only crude and quick, but it might be something to use to start/stop the song with pattern scroll enabled :slight_smile:

I think OP is referring to a feature that’s available in many other DAWs: When you stop playback the cursor returns to from where you started the playback. It’s generally handled with a toggle (similar to the loop on/off toggle)

Kind of a nifty thing to have for manual ‘looping’ when mixing. It’s not available natively but could be scripted.