For those that want an IT compatible tracker as VSTI inside renoise:
Update info:
v0.86.5 [ADD] Advanced MIDI features. All tracker effects (exc.
Oxx) now affect MIDI output.
[ADD] MIDI Aftertouch / Control Change Effects
[ADD] MIDI Settings dialog to configure instrument MIDI
settings, including pitch bend range (and
resolution), default MIDI velocity and MIDI Effect
[ADD] Renoise 1.5 now supported (Thanks to Taktik).
[ADD] Keymap pitch settings now enabled.
[ADD] Keymap effect settings now enabled. Row effects
combine with, rather than replace, keymap’s.
[MOD] Audio Effects Engine re-written. All row effects
should now behave exactly as in IT2. New engine
supports multiple effects per row (not accesible
in interface yet).
[MOD] Pitches moved an octave down (to mirror IT2)
[MOD] Exx/Fxx now share parameter memory.
[MOD] Sample / Instrument audition now operates: key
down = note on, key up = note off (as in IT2).
[MOD] Cursors now skips channel during selection.
[MOD] MIDI Reset no longer transmits “All Sound Off”.
[MOD] Alt-M (mix clipboard) now initially fills empty
rows, then empty fields of each row.
[MOD] New font for path boxes and drop lists.
[MOD] About 50% performance boost from compiler tweaks.
[MOD] Folder dialogs now carry advice.
[MOD] Alt-D now begins with selection the size of Minor
(was Major) highlight, then doubles each time.
[MOD] Sample inherits name from sample filename.
[MOD] Special characters/symbols now available in sample
and instrument names.
[MOD] Pressing shift during transpose (Alt-A/Q) now
shifts by octave.
[MOD] Input mask now splits effect command & parameter.
[MOD] Cursor step now affects cursor key movement.
[MOD] Auditioning in keyMap only accesible with ‘4’ key.
[MOD] Notes Off now triggers MIDI note off (was that
only Note Cut did so).
[MOD] Effect of panbrellos and tremolos now shown in
Info Page.
[FIX] Top droplists no longer usable when dialog active.
[FIX] Crashing when reViSiT exited during playback.
[FIX] Numpad symbols intefering with main keyboard.
[FIX] Auditioning no longer limited to 32 notes.
[FIX] MIDI Reset on F8 not always triggering.
[FIX] Pattern switching inteferes with selection.
[FIX] Errors when insert order list entries.
[FIX] Main menu inaccessible from Song Variables page.
[FIX] MIDI device list visible through Main Menu.
[FIX] Crashing/Errors while loading specific samples.
[FIX] Auditioning in Sample list auditioned instruments.
[FIX] KeyMap cursor able to leave track to right.
[FIX] Left and Right VU meters swapped in Info Page.