When I first start Ableton Live 9 Lite and secondly Renoise 3.1, then Renoise detects a ReWire master application and asks to connect as slave. When Yes is chosen, immediately after I get the error that the ReWire master has quit unexpectedly or crashed. Is also says that it will try to switch back to normal audio IO. Check out attachment.
The unexpected result is that no connection between master and slave exists.The switch to normal audio IO is made indeed. The assumption that the master is crashed is wrong, my instance of Ableton keeps on running fine.
Today I used ReWire for the very first time.The ReWire connection worked once or twice at first. By the way, it works when Renoise is master and Ableton is slave. This is not my preference as I wish to use Ableton for MIDI devices.
I use Windows 10 on x64. Restart won’t fix it.
What could be the problem here? Can I fix it somehow?