Rewiring Renoise [Slave] into Ableton Live 11 [Master]

I’ve been trying to Rewire Renoise into Ableton to use the functionalities of Ableton alongside the tracker style. For some reason, even though I’m opening Ableton first, waiting and then opening Renoise, it asks for the password for the Mac profile to enable rewire but it never goes into rewire mode.

What can I do?

The development of Rewire has been discontinued, so I doubt that you`ll get it to work on modern systems and apps.
That’s why Ableton Live uses Ableton Link now.

Use the MacOS built-in IAC MIDI Bus + Virtual Audio routing such as Blackhole as Rewire replacement.

Oh! Are there any specific how-tos you could point me to on how to set it up that way?

You may want check out


There are plenty of others, too.

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