I use sfz VST atm so am using soundfonts anyway, would just be nice if sf2 was integrated in renoise. Thanks for the tip tho
If it was a choice over time/ version numbers (don`t know the difficulty of programming support for the two) sf2 gets my vote first, as I say rex would also be nice just less of a personal priority.
I don’t know. All I know is that rex2 is the format Reason uses for it’s Dr. Rex module (which is only natural I guess, since Recycle! is a Propellerhead app), that some of the best apps out there have support for rex2 files, that alot of samples are availible for it, often embedded in Reason Refills.
Btw I have never used sf2’s, and I have nothing against them.
REX2 is a flexible file format for sampled grooves that is created by Propellerheads’ ReCycle application. To create REX2 files, ReCycle 2.1 slices up samples into rhythmic segments. The effect of this is that the loop becomes tempo independent. One can edit its components freely to “rebuild” the loop, and the timing information in the recording (the musician’s “groove” and “feel”) can be applied to other (sequenced) elements of the music. Since its release in 1994, musicians working in loop-based genres such as Hip Hop, Drum n’ Bass, and Electronica have to rely heavily on ReCycle for creative loop manipulation.
So rex2 would definitly be a better thing than sf2, at least for me
you just did. try using recycle. i don’t usually go in for propellerheads programs because i’d rather use a program that uses computer hardware to make music than a program that uses computer hardware to simulate other hardware to make music.
but recycle is pretty cool. the only program i’ve really seen that makes it easy to break beats…
…but then i’m open to the possibility of there being a cooler program i haven’t heard of yet.
i don’t really use it like that. the tracker “sample offset” effect remains my favorite way of creatively manipulating loops. but i’d be interested in seeing what can be done in a tracker wih these files.
But we are not all “musicians working in loop-based genres such as Hip Hop, Drum n’ Bass, and Electronica”, so SF2, which is a far more elastic sound format, not made only for rhythm loops, would be a more general purpose choice, and then better for a general purpose music program
The beat slice detection in phatmatik sucks ass.
Tried to use it in several tracks but it dosn’t even come close,
to sounding as good as recycled loops.
further more sf2 is not made for beats and loops specificly,
it’s more just another sample format, a good one at that.
But rex2 is a dedicated format for beats/loops that does make,
the whole process of new beats a lot easier…
You can move the slice points by holding down Alt and create your own by clicking whilst holding Alt, it takes me about thirty seconds to adjust the slice points to get perfect sounding loops. The waveform view can be zoomed in too for some real accuracy. The most convenient part of Phatmatik cannot yet be used with Renoise however, the drag and drop midi files. Hopefully this will work once Renoise can import and export Midi files.
And it’s multitimbral too (again we cannot use this feature in Renoise yet)
A lot of the “old-school” tracking people here will remember that we used to slice up drum loops just by using the sample offset effect command.
It isn’t perfect, but it can get some great results from loops that are exactly 4/8/16 beats long etc.
Rex2 is a great format, but if you are using purchased rex files, you have to rely on the slicing that has already been done on the loop. Using the above method you can be much more flexible with how you slice and dice the sample.