What about a XML public format (RML - Renoise Music Language) replacing the proprietary RNS format???!
Looking around the topics for the past days, it’s seems that import/export of midi files is the next dev in Renoise.
So i have one suggestion on this : why develop a proprietary and costly midi2rns converter instead of concentrate on a new renoise music file format using XML? With this solution, all converters will be easier to develop by third party or the community??!
Something like :
// General Configuration Here<br>
<bpm value="120"></bpm><br>
<speed value="6"></speed><br>
// Instruments Configuration Here <br>
<instrument id="15"><br>
<name value="VST xxx"></name><br>
<vstproperty name="xx" value="xx"></vstproperty><br>
// Patterns Here<br>
<pattern id="1"><br>
<track id="1"><br>
<trackrow row="1"><br>
<note value="C3" instrumentid="15" vol="127" pan="50"><br>
<effect value="0550"></effect><br>
<effect value="xxxx"></effect><br>
<note value="E3" vol="67"></note><br>
</trackrow> <br>
<trackrow row="2"><br>
<trackautomationeffect id="0" type="Global"><br>
<volume value="50"></volume><br>
<panning value="60/><br />
...<br />
</TrackAutomationEffect><br />
<br />
<TrackAutomationEffect id=" type="Delay"><br>
<track id="2"><br>
<pattern id="2"><br>
// Pattern sequence Here<br>
<patternsequenceitem id="1" patternid="1"></patternsequenceitem><br>
<patternsequenceitem id="2" patternid="3"></patternsequenceitem><br>
<patternsequenceitem id="3" patternid="2"></patternsequenceitem><br>
Of course, there are some issues and workaround :
- Wav Instruments (And problably VST Settings?) must be saved in a separate file. But still, you can store both RML and all RNIs/VSTSettings in a single Renoise Music Archive (kind of zip, like for jars in java)
- You don’t want the format to be public (no workaround )
- …
And for Renoise, it will be a good point “Renoise has just released the first Tracker Music Format in XML”… eheh??!
Is it a dream?