Currently anything you play with a (midi) keyboard in Renoise gets routed to the track you’re focused on.
So it is subject to the specific volume, pan, effects of that track.
My suggestion is to have the possibility to define the routing for instruments and samples, that would be independent of the track you’re on.
You could define the routing for every individual instrument and sample. For the sake of simplicity, I’d suggest that you could choose the routing to one of the tracks which already exist in the pattern. (There could be other options for that. Like: “unlimited” tracks to choose from. Or a limited number that would be defined in the preferences.)
It could look like this:
The red numbers represent tracks. For example, when you play the instrument “Bass” the playback is always routed through track 04. It doesn’t matter where you’re positioned in the pattern editor.
Notice there are numbers for tracks, not track names. That’s because numbers take less space. Each track would have a name, too, just like now. But, in addition, it would also have to have a number. You could perhaps still see the track’s name, by hovering over the red number.
Assigning the routing:
There could be a drop down menu right there in the instrument/sample browser, by clicking on a red number. Or, if too difficult to implement, it could be in the instrument editor&sample properties. (A bigger version, perhaps. With the full track’s name.)
If a user wanted to have it the old way (like now), there could be a switch somewhere, to toggle between the new mode, and the (old) track-focus-oriented mode.
This feature would be even more useful if you could assign different instruments to the keyboard at once and so then play them through specifically defined routings. Great for live use.