Hi there! You need to use a multi-out VST instrument to route a particular output to a specific track. However, samples are different, they can freely be placed anywhere you like, except the master track & send tracks.
Just figured out that this is, in fact entirely possible.
All you need to do is to sequence whatever hits you want in a different channel, in a different channel
So i have my main Drum channel playing a drumkit instrument built on the fly, this channel has all its sends & insert effects all set up. But I want my snare to have different treatment. Easy, I just open another channel in the pattern editor and play the snare in that channel instead, then in the mixer I can treat it entirely differently from the rest of the kit.
You can also fix audio outputs to specific tracks, in this case if you accidentally trigger your snare in the wrong track, it will still be played in the assigned track. However this is a bit hard debugging when you cannot instantly see where you snare actually gets triggered.