Same Pattern in different patterns with different LPB

Hello - please excuse me if this is already listed on here, I wasn’t sure of the terminology of how to search for it.

If I create a detailed and complex sequence in one pattern at 8 LPB, then switch to another pattern at 16 LPB, copying and pasting will make this pattern play twice as fast.

That makes sense and all, but is there a way to conform it to the new LPB so it plays back exactly the same?
If so, does it work the other way around?

Update - I’ve just discovered the Reform tool… Maybe that is what I am looking for.

Check out expans & shrink options in the advanced editor to transform pattern editor selections. Also check out phrases if you want to mix different pattern lengths & lpb’s.


@Jonas is on the money here. Expand/Shrink in the advanced edit panel is what you’re looking for, and phrases adhere to and play back at their own LPB value, set per phrase.

Reform is a great little tool, but is more oriented towards shifting timings of multiple notes to create strum effects

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Thank you @slujr and @Jonas. This helps a lot!

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