Sample Drawing...

I still think you should add an erasing function to the right-click portion of the mouse…

do you mean in the sample editor??there is clear sample in the right-click menu,and theres undo draw in sample in the edit menu

I think he means “drawing silence”?

ahh i couldnt read that from hes message :D

personally I just want more colors haha ^^

Yes, That is exactly what I meant… Sorry, about that.

if that were scriptable, that would be sweet… I’d like a “smooth brush” haha…

You can script a few things with the sample editor…
set_sample and selection_start and selection_end are a few things that you can work with.
Simply retreive the amounf of available frames, then use the selection_end to calculate how many frames to remove from that point and you have something.

yeah but you can’t know where the mouse cursor is, if mouse buttons are pressed etc…