Sample Snap-to-beat Point

isn’t this what latency is all about ? what if you use i don’t know 50 samples with various “pre-play” and one of them would be for example 1 second long, now if such sample is in the begining of pattern it would play one second earlier, what about rest of the track etc? I ofcourse want accurate positioning but at the same time i don’t want to have lagging when i am in writing mode, maybe if such thing would be implemented, it would be nice to be able to select either “realtime” or “render” mode, when in realtime mode it would just play the sample from the chosen “beat point” and in render mode it would play it with “preplay” ? I don’t want to bitch or argue, i’m just trying to imagine it working in practice, negative delay is quite similar to latency imo

Dude… then it would just not play… unless you start playback at the position where the playback of the sample begins (instead of where the note is).

No “pre-processing” whatsoever.

Right now:

C-4 -*-

using preplay:

— -*-

C-4 —

the left column is what you see, the right column is what Renoise cares about.

Now, looking at the top “graphic”, what happens if a note is at the end of a pattern, but you start playback at the pattern after that? Simple, the sample doesn’t get played.

So what would happen if a sample that has the note on the start of the pattern, but preplay so the “actual/internal note” would be at the end of the previous pattern? Same thing, it doesn’t get played!

Yeah, well, then stop trying to imagine it, and just read how it’s described…

I think this an important point ! For pattern and song start.

Agree with your mode idea: I also think it depends on how such a feature would be implemented.
For example: if you move an Cubase audio clip (=sample) at the song’s start position to the left, you simply create thereby a new intro :-).
This could IMO technically also be done in Renoise, but In this case Renoise would play sound before scrolling starts. And that’s strange.
Also in this case all other tracks indeed would play delayed. I think this is what you meant by lagging ? But this is not the same as latency

Generally I agree with Johann: probably the best solution would be not to play it.

@Johann: you shouldn’t be so rude, because he’s partly right with his imagination :slight_smile:

latency has nothing to do with sample start positions inside tracks.
Latency occurs because hardware/software doesn’t work in realtime.
What you have described is “delay”

Sample positioning is IMO actually implicitly defined by LBP / BPM, and can explicitly be defined
by delay effects and/or the 9xx command.

E.g. You can simulate negative offsets by positioning a note at the preceding line and adding a delay value.
The problem thereby: not very comfortable, not very accurate.
The same with the 9xx command: very unprecise for bigger samples.

I personally would like to see a sample point accurate approach.

you should learn some manners imo.

If the sample doesn’t get played it’s quite stupid solution, i’d much rather see it played from the selected “beat” point i don’t want to have to scroll to previous pattern just because there is a small preplay in my sample, i want intelligent solution when renoise deciedes if it should play from the point or with pre-play sample if it’s on the begining of pattern it should be triggered from the chosen “beat” point imo

and yeah we definitely need higher resolution sample offset, i’ve had some suggestions about it earlier, even selectable “offset points” something similar to this solution when instead of offsetting you would trigger those points via tracker command, let’s say you have a breakbeat, where you click on the beginings of bassdrum (1) hihat(2) and snare (3) now you could trigger them via say T01 to play bassdrum, T02 to play hihat and T03 to play snare. but you could of course have more of these and work with say voice etc, would make some interesting accurate glitching etc

Oh well, then Renoise could just, you know, do that… (I’m not sure, but I think that’s also what you just tried to say… kinda hard to tell)… Renoise could just remember “the point in the song where the sample starts playing (which is before the note)” and “the point the sample would be at when the song has reached the note”. So you have the best of both worlds and still no lag or anything.

Again, all the necessary calculations are made when the song is changed, and not every time it is played back.

Correct. Also correct: telling me the bleeding obvious is easier than saying “whoops, sorry for the redundant rambling”.

Similar to this solution? Maybe it wasn’t so impolite after all to ask you to read before writing? Oh, and you’re welcome btw, it’s a joy to explain something for the Nth time in a thread that isn’t even 3 pages long, and get literally nothing but patronizing cheesy advice in return. Haha I say :P

Also correct then: work on your narrative skills. ;)

Nah, I’d rather work on my ignore fu.

one of biggest advantages of renoise is a good community, would be nice if it stayed that way without someone trying to be cocky bastard like you

Look, it all started with people repeatedly not bothering to really read what people were actually talking about, and then saying “this is stupid blah blah blah”. Rinse, repeat. I know you disagree, but I find that cocky as well. So is simply ignoring it when something you claimed or asked is being responded to and changing the subject instead.

But thanks for speaking on behalf the Renoise community anyway. There is a difference between the community of people who use the program and the community of people who socialize via the forums by the way, and I’m sure a lot of the actual users - who will never see our bitching - would be very thrilled by the feature we talked about. Summarized, gah, whatever. You will also find that cocky bastards like me actually strengthen the sense of community, by giving whimps something to rally against haha.

BS by the way. Yes, the community rocks, especially devs talking to us peons, but I’m pretty sure I’d be using Renoise right now even if all there was was a paypal button and a download link, and no manual except the tooltips. The big advantage of Renoise is that it’s the best tracker there ever was, period. It got coded that way, not brownnosed into existance. Ponder that for a while. Social skills are way overrated :P I’ll bitch at you and then soothe you with a cheesy tune, how 'bout that.

i would also use this feature if it was available.
i even once posted about it on another forum as sort of a general problem
i had to come up with a graphic because i didn’t know how to explain myself…

ways that i’ve had to workaround this issue is by triggering the sample 1 line too early or using 2 samples - make the “pre-hit” a sample and trigger it a line or two before triggering the transient. although it can be made to work, these workarounds are far from ideal for me.

what about “wahre liebe” :-?

i bet there has Got to be a way to sync renoise with VLC somehow.

theres so much stuff in vlc to make it open and useable in strange ways, there must be a way. with that you get all kinds of new features.