Samples On External Harddrive

I’ve been in the process of learning renoise for a little while now and I haven’t been able to access samples located on my external harddrive. I searched forums and the tutorials to see if this has been addressed before, but I couldn’t find anything. My disk browser only lets me navigate to my computer’s internal harddrive. I have a feeling I’m doing something wrong, so any help would be very appreciated. Thank you.

Mine shows fine in Renoise. Sounds like a misconfiguration, no idea why.

Yep propably a misconfiguration… I have an external TOSHIBA USB 2 - 180 GBtyte HD, never had a problem with Renoise


Wurks fine here. No problems at all. I’ve got an “WD My Book 250 GB”

Try to replug your HDD, maybe that helps.

which version are you all using? i’m still using the 1.8 demo (going to buy it when i get my next paycheck).

i replugged my HDD, but still no luck. what do you mean by a misconfiguration?

thank you for your help.

Sorry if this isn’t the problem.
But are you sure that it doesn’t show up here?

i just reinstalled the demo and it works now. thank you very much for all the help.