Samples Sound Darker/Less Vibrant In Renoise?

are you sure you may have not answered your own question here? seriously though, i’m only half-joking here. this could be it, right?

Very funny, but i think it is a cultural craziness. The larger part of complaints about lack of ‘brilliance’ and ‘punch’ (when it comes to any type of gear) come from Americans. One can plainly hear the difference in sonic expectations when comparing a (classic) fender to a (classic) marshall amp.

Honestly, i think he should just let it go and regard renoise as an instrument (as much as it is a sequencer) and take that all as a part of it. I always run a couple of effects on the mst channel 'cause of this. Oh, well.

I always back off on the tone control on my tele too. I would be annoyed if i didn’t have to. Seems to make no sense, but ya know… I scrape the frosting off my cake before i eat it too.

i’m not sure if you read the entire thread, but dysamoria has mentioned earlier that he has a typical form of autism. seeing (guessing) this should have a pretty severe inpact on the mind, i doubt his ‘cultural craziness’ would overwhelm that. moreover, i doubt he has a lot of this ‘cultural craziness’ you mention, considering he states in his info he’s from “craplay, pa, corporate states of america” and also reading other comments by him around here, none of which suggest he is a ‘typical American’. i even think i saw his name somewhere and it did not sound very American either.

your comment may not have been meant to be snarky (sarcasm has difficulty coming across over the internet), but it did read as such. i may have misunderstood you. were you aware of the above?

you (and he, maybe) may think this so, but i don’t think a person’s cultural peculiarities leave them because they have some difference of opinion with people around them. really, i knew i should not have brought this argument up since i derived it from a paper i wrote on linguistics 15 years ago when i was in collage in which i insisted some people actually hear sounds that others do not. i didn’t do too well on that paper and it was probably quite a stretch to try to apply that idea to this. but at any rate, i certainly didn’t mean it to be insulting to him. ? or renoise. the sound of it doesn’t bother me.

this thread has been going on for a while and i have been following it from the beginning, mostly because i agree with the originator of the thread that renoise sounds muffled. i am confused more by why some people cannot perceive it (when it seems obvious) than by the original poster being able to. his autism may play into some preoccupation with the renoise sound, but i don’t think it has much to do with the fact that he can hear it at all. i don’t think it is the result of some false perception, i mean.

anyway, just an opinion. and a very out there opinion, i admit. and i have nothing but anecdotes to back it up. have you not noticed American mixes leaning quite a bit on transients and crispness in sounds, as well as exaggerated warmth? the whole scooped e.q. thing? maybe i’m the one who’s crazy…

and yes, i am aware i have a problem with that. smart ass is only a sliver of cleverness away from dumb ass. nobody’s perfect.

ok, very clear explanation, and it seems i misread your tone in that post. sorry for that.

hm. yeah I didn’t react well to rhowaldt’s initial statement nor The Witch Kings’ response. I’m glad that there were follow-up comments. I feel less “stung” now. it had felt like the thread had finally swung to flames & personal attacks. :frowning:

just to respond directly:

I’m not claiming to be impervious to ALL cultural issues, & I believe they do affect perceptions, but I definitely am NOT “one of those people” that seem to make up the typical population. in fact, I largely despise the immediate society I live in. I do not fit in where I live & I hate it. HOWEVER: I don’t think this is relevant at all to the topic. the sound issues are definitely real, not cultural or personality-based. it has nothing to do with having been on psych drugs because it’s a constant observation from many years back (prior to being messed with by “medicine”). if anything, these horrific drugs have accentuated my painful awareness of sound. if it has ANY connection to my autism, it’s that I’m particularly sensitive to sound (I spent my life reacting to high-pitched sounds that other people seem deaf to, like tv/CRT & electrical noises). indeed I may have difficulty letting the “problem” go unresolved. I want to understand it because it’s been a long-term frustration. that’s also part of my personality: I’m inquisitive. I don’t seek to use my autism or americanism to appear elite or to be excused from bad behavior (I hate both attitudes). that said, I also would like if it (being autistic or american) wasn’t used as a tool to discredit/marginalize my perceptions/views.

ok. I said my peace. once I experience this sound “problem” again in a way I can demonstrate via audio recordings (as dblue has very helpfully provided audio examples to this thread, trying to discuss this issue) I’ll post something. hopefully it wont take forever :-/

i never tried to discredit anything, i truly meant it when i suggested your former med-use might have something to do with your perception being altered and your own comment of ‘what am i experiencing’. i meant it because i do not underestimate that stuff. now, as you said, according to you this cannot be connected, so that’s that - you know better than i do. but i’m sorry if i ever gave you the feeling that i was not taking you serious, or was attacking you in any way, as this was never my intention.

thank you for this :) all is fine :)


Renoise: “Perfect when rendering.”

Both of these comments from you make me think more and more it is psychological. Hope you do find a way to demonstrate what you are perceiving soon.

i don’t blame you. that’s why it’s so annoying to me. i’m not constantly working on music these days (due to aforementioned health issues), which is why i’m so inconsistently present here… so i encounter these things far less regularly than i used to. it’s these kinds of little annoyances that build up and make me lose interest in creating music. :( why fight the little frustrations when i could just plunk my ass down in front of the tv or put on headphones and listen to other people’s music…

what kind of a name is poppy crum anyway???

sounds like something that fell off a muffin…

i wonder if you are talking about the way renoise sounds during replay and not after rendering. i would guess this is where some of the disagreement comes from? renoise does sound different after rendering. you can mix/master in renoise if you are not a total control freak but otherwise you may have to compose in renoise and mix in something else.

this whole thing is hardly a new issue for musicians, producers, recording folks etc. guitars, drums, everything sounds different on tape than they do live. that was annoying sometimes but could also be used to good effect. how many great records where made with tape? at this point in time, still prolly most of them…

so you should regard your ‘condition’ as an asset and not an impediment when you hear these differences. maybe for you it is an aptitude and not a skill you had to work hard to develop. either way, frankly, you will need it if you ever want to be a cut above. hard luck, good fortune is…

I made a triangle wave sweep test the other day, was having trouble with my ftp so hadn’t uploaded and linked. This time names are hidden so you don’t know which is which.

Files kept as 24bit 96kHz all the way through.
Soundforge Audio Studio 9.0 - Synthesis - Simple - 30 seconds Triangle Wave Sweep from 40Hz - 18kHz.
Play in Renoise at +4 semitones.
Render using Cubic and Sync modes.
Play new samples at -4 semitones.
Render respectively at Cubic and Sync modes.

Plus two files where I have inverted the final output render and mixed with original wave. I should of called these Inv X and Inv Y, not used A and B again. They do not relate to A and B of the original samples.

Most surprising thing to note is the huge amount of aliasing that already exists on the Soundforge generated sample. Maybe I should of used a sine…

I hope somebody can tell me which is which…

Agree with Dysamora! The way to bring it back to normal is the maximizer. It’s just a fact that it sounds dull in every tracker; must be some secret comb-filter secret or what ever… to make it sound good/normal. EXS24 definetely has it own sound compared to Kontakt.

Here it is again:

More than a year later, i see this post (and a kind note from another user in PM that he notices the same thing as i). i’m glad it’s not just me though i’m still at a loss to demonstrate it. i’ve finally gotten back to the music thing a bit now that i’m done with the psych drugs (though their damage to my body is likely going to linger the rest of my life), and then there was the bankruptcy… etc. Whatever. Life goes on.

i have a tendency to avoid using trackers (including Renoise) because of this sound quality perception and i’m wondering if any progress has been made on understanding what’s happening (for those of us that perceive it). It’s sad because i basically “grew up” my computer music experience on trackers and i enjoy the methodology as at least an element in my production.

i’m traveling at the moment, but when i get back to my home base, i’m thinking i’ll give this another shot (recording samples that demonstrate the issue i’m perceiving). In the mean time, if anyone has had any insights or whatever… :wink: