Hi Guys,
I have a corrupt renoise file that was in the process off saving for the first time when I had to force restart because my computer had frozen.
I have tried to open the .xrns file and I am met with the following message:
File loading error: The file is either not a known song or is corrupt.
The renoise project file resembles a new project file (i.e. has no content) but the thumbnail information for the file saved in the folder lists the file as 1.3GB in size.
This presents me with the small hope that some of the project data exists somewhere.
I have referred to previous forum posts regarding salvaging corrupt files. When I renamed the file to a zip and attempted a fix through winzip I was met with the following message.
Fatal Error. End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not a zip file, or it constitutes one disk of a ulti-part Zip file.
Any help of suggestions would be welcomed.