I’d like to be able to set the default view range for the EQ plugins to 9db which I feel allows for more precise equalization but unfortunately I don’t think there’s a way to override the default “init” preset. Saving as “Init” just creates a user preset unrelated to the factory init.
It sounds like a minor thing but imo having default settings you’re comfortable with makes a massive difference in productivity especially when you load something as common as an EQ plugin dozens of times a day
i have this solved. it is possible to modify the loading of these devices so that there are extra changes made to them.
let me know which parameter number it is and what it should be, and i’ll modify them for the Paketti loader for those specific EQ devices. and what are the names.
i’ll send you a link to discord + share a build through that… EDIT: ok i can’t send DMs to @valleyperson unfortunatley.