Script Idea (Done): Pattern Divider & Juxtaposer

Cheers, starting to look pro!

ah, ok yeah that makes sense :) no hurries!

Ooh! That would also be nice, some kind of mirroring from either the previous or next chunk, somehow this gives me a visual kaleidoscopic image in my head. Don’t know if it works similarly in those kinds of photoshop effects, dividing an image in pieces and multiplying and adding them, but I like the idea!

About the gui, I probably should learn what it all means, but the notion of ticks is very abstract to me. There are probably people that can link to this musically, but the main important values for me are the chunk size, the adjust size (lines) and result pattern value.

I personally would rather see these highlighted instead of seeing the tick values, which sometimes confuse me, until I look better :D

Something to consider maybe? But definitely not important. Keep up the good work!


-complete cleanup rewrite of main processing function > big consistency improvement
-fix bug: extra note columns that are created, are expanded automatically. 0.23 left them hidden.
-fix bug: delay columns are expanded, when new values are added in them.
-fix bug: fx column data copied. 0.23 ignored this completely.

Still a couple of things to do in 0.2…

sorry for a bit of offtopic, but those screenshots, I kinda like the colour theme. Which theme is that? Is it in the distro, or can you share the xml?

Sorry mate, those screenshots are very old, I don’t have that theme anymore!

okay, i’ll have to, er, reverse-engineer it then. I seem to enjoy this exact color combination, dunno why.


-consistency imrovements. the things this gadget does should be pretty predictable now. (I hope)
-bugfix: several crippling brainfarts on fract pat hack
-feature: trailing noteoffs for shifted notes
-feature: chunk end noteoffs for column shifting situations - not accurate, but better than nothing.
-switched default value for insert/replace - now replace.

For 0.2 I’ll still try to do automation copying (ignored for now) and a gui redesign on options. Also, the column shifting is somewhat volatile, as it does not care if the columns get filled up… So I should probably address this somehow also.

ey KMaki, is it possible you make that note-off insertion optional? It is messing up some looped samples after bending, causing the samples to be cut of immediately after the note event!


Ah, yes. Can’t give a date, but the next ‘big thing’ would be a more complete, extensible options-system. I believe this machine will have a bunch of options, so this will come in handy. Adding the offs would be one option, yes. Just noticed that the new feature ain’t really “featuring” like it’s supposed to. Sorry bout the troubles…(It’s an early version :blush: ). But as of new features for 0.2, I’m done, save the automation copying thing, Just got to finetune the existing ones. (read: make them work). And for future versions, when the options-thang will be done, I’ll try to make it a rule to add new, untested features as optional behaviour.

No worries, I see there are still older versions that can be dl’d in this thread, so I can get by!

-bugfix: master/ send tracks copied too. were not earlier. … wow.
-the options system sketched

A small update. Got the options thingy sketched out for now. Nothing else to report really, the noteoff thing is still doing bits wrong. Think I’ll tackle that next. But here’s at least options to turn the buggy feature off…

Thanks for making the note-offs optional!

Yeah… sorry for spamming these updates, but got the automation copying working.


-bugfix: chunkend & trailing noteoffs work better. i hope.
-feature: settings on what to trash to avoid colshifting (vol, pan, off). recommended to leave these on.
-feature: automation data processed at basic level. should be refined later.

So. The featurelist is complete for 0.2. Maybe need a bit refining before 0.3… Or maybe not. Maybe it’ll refine itself when moving on. Maybe I’ll just look at what to do on 0.3.

The options pages are not really ordered right now, just dumped it all there. Also could do some testing for these features. I suspect there might be some quirks still hiding in there. Been trying the features mostly on simple 1-track basic tests & few demo songs. So bug reports wanted!

Ey KMaki,

Maybe you can make some tooltips when hovering with the mouse pointer above the options / features in this tool? Something which explains what is going on, maybe redundant, but could help a n00b out :) … for example it wasn’t clear to immediately what you mean with colshift.

Otherwise great work! :drummer:

Please give us screenshots, I’m confused

Can’t tell if you are being sarcastic Esa. I do know how the main splitting feature of the tool works, some of the options werent immediately clear to me, like the difference between trailing note-off’s and chunk-end note-off’s, wat would be the benefit over the other etc.

No, I’m not being sarcastic. I did check out your original sketches and stuff, but sometimes it’s just good to know “what’s there” before trying to figure out what’s there - I’ve installed some tools and haven’t figured out what they do until I saw screenshots and a lengthy explanation.

p.s. I’m pro-tools, not anti-tools. every xrnx must be developed to it’s logical conclusion.

Wow. I’m so deep into this tool that I even start to use my own words in the GUI. :D Sry. Tooltips/help system would be a needed addition. I’ll try to come up with something.

Meanwhile; colshift=column shift (my own lingo), refers to a situation where a note must be shifted from its original column. This happens when the chunk is shortened so that two notes would have to be put in one column row.
The “trash x to avoid colshif” options basically mean that ok - for notes, this tool will try to save the both notes, and shift the other one to safety. But what if the column does not have a note in it, but just vol data, pan data or a noteoff, should they be saved by colshiftin as well? You decide. With these options I mean. Colshifting is bit of a hack, so one could want to avoid it until absolutely necessary. Hence the options.

Chunk end noteoff = additional noteoff that is put in the same column the original chunk data is (only to replace a note that was there in the original pattern). This should appear on colshifting situations, and when elongating the chunk. And when the option is ticked. (This is how it SHOULD work)

Trailing noteoff = additional noteoff that is put after a colshifted note, in order to stop its playing similar to the way a note in the original column would stop it. This is put in the column a note was shifted to. (This is how it SHOULD work)

Views support tooltips already. Just addd the tooltip property to whatever you are trying to describe?

-- Get/set a tooltip text that should be shown for this view.  
-- By default empty (no tip will be shown).  

Thanks, I’m actually using that already on one button. I was thinking a more concise help thing. More like a dialog explaining the basics of this tool.

Yeah, you could do a secondary popup GUI which explains it overall, maybe use some of Jonas’s original sketches. But tooltips are incredibly important to have in the actual GUI.