
I’d like to know more about it.
At the moment, i have no idea where to start. Everything i read seems to require some kind of knowledge on the subject, which i dont have. :huh:
I feel as though i have exausted renoise and would like to get inside it now. ;)
Is there a site i can visit?
Can you give me the lowdown?
Is this even a possiblity?

A short simply “how to …” would be great!

The problem is, there seem to be so many pretexts to it, like the type of script “language” you use, and their uses/ The system you are on/ what are the best programs to use/your intentions…
Where does it start.

Still, a “what do you want the script to do?” makes it a lot easier to give you some better directions.
You have platform dependent scripts (Like Visual Basic Script for Windows or Bash scripts for *-nix)
You have platform independent scripting engines like Java or PHP.
You have application-specific scripting like AutoCAD Lisp or Max/MSP or C-sound scorescripting.
And ofcourse you have physical performing scripts, like a movie-script B)

So to give you some insight, we would like to know what your plan actually is.

Haha, i’m not going to be writing a movie anytime soon.
My intentions would be mainly to Mod things, write my own programmes, etc
What does platform dependent/independant mean?

Well, I think you could attend some programming lessons for beginners and learn these kind of things.
The real basics go about setting up a logic scheme of actions and what type actions to use and to follow.
Distinction between constants and variables etc.
It is not a thing that can be explained in a simple paragraph on a forum.

For about platform dependent or independent:
If you write a program in Visual Basic, you can only run your script in Windows or even only specific Microsoft applications. (e.g. you can use VB script in Internet Explorer but you can’t use VBScript in Firefox)
The same goes for bash scripts:they perform well on unix / linux and BSD (all *nix variants) but they won’t run on Windows platforms.

Java has interpreters for pretty much every platform, so therefor if a user installs the Java Runtime Engine on his operating system, your Java application (packed in a JAR file) will work okay on any platform that has the JRE version you programmed your script for.

If you want to script for a program that only has a Windows version, you have a wide pick of things that you can use, including Java.

If you want to create a script for a program that runs on more platforms, your choice is a lot more narrowed to a few common known options.

You can always try to learn C or C++ but with C, your source is somewhat transferrable, though it has to be compiled to executable code before it can be run. If you use basic text and file operations, there won’t be much adaptions that have to be made, but if you use system specific environments (Like DirectX drivers that only run on Windows) you need make changes in the code to make the same routine work on an Apple Mac.
So if you want to create stuff that works pretty much out of the box, you can use Java or Javascript.
Though the problem of an interpreter is:the required additional environment is bulky and performance may be slow.

I would start here:

and then download/install Python 3.0 and just start experimenting in the interactive window.

Cheers Transender, just got it.
I was just creating a symbolic link for the system’s Python.framework in the location expected by the tools…but it’s not letting me type my password to make the change.
Any ideas?