Seemingly random Renoise crashes on Windows 10

This is a symptom thats hard to describe.
Now I’ve owned Renoise for a couple of years, but since around version 3.3 it sometimes tends to act weirdly, no matter what machine, no matter what version or health of Windows I use it on.

It crashes to desktop every so often with absolutely no apparent reason. Mostly on loading another song after working on the current one, more rarely on loading an effect (using only native), or changing views.

My Windows version: 10.019045 Build 19045
CPU: Intel i5-4670K @3.40 GHz 4 Cores
Motherboard: Asus Z87 Extreme 3, Bios version P2.80 3/11/2018 (latest stable, afaik)
RAM 4x8 of Corsair CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9 Vengeance 8 GB DIMM 1333 MHz

I use a TASCAM US 20/20 audio card.
Renoise 64 bit v3.3.4 of May 4 2024
Renoise is set to always run as Administrator, with all VST’s and other folders with proper r/w permissions.

I only use native Renoise plugins, and if any other, only from Analog Obsessions legally free VST’s, but these bugs do happen even if only using the native ones.


  • Renoise will never write the state of Last Saved, Last Loaded, or presets for any windows or editor views/states. It randomly crashes:
    most frequently
  • on loading another song after having worked on one. It will close the current one, and crash to desktop. (most frequent, likely in every 30 minutes or so.)

can also crash

  • on selecting a new Effect from the effect menu, adding a track, changing from one view to another. (Less frequent, can work even an hour or so, if the above didn’t happen)

All other applications work OK, there are no cracked apps or software on the machine.

Attached is:

  • log.txt: a recent crash log, a screenshot of tools installed, though these crashes happen even on a clean Windows machine, having installed all official system updates, system drivers and inf’s, and audio drivers. with a clean slate Renoise version, with no tools or any add-ons.

  • a “Report.wer” application crash log (renamed to .txt) from system folder called “C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\WER\ReportArchive\AppCrash_Renoise.exe_121c384fc72233f296855a216fbfec7fe477cfaf_7ff3c4f3_f8ed9f1b-20c6-42bf-a866-b8470095b69a” - though not recent, but fairly from the time it already did this last year.

  • a screenshot of installed 3rd party Renoise tools
    renoise tools
    Report.txt (17.3 KB)

I hope its exhaustive enough. :slight_smile:
Thank you for anyone having a look - it would lighten up my life so much if I could properly work with Renoise- thats why I put the effort into this report.

Greg /Open Hocus,
Hotelsinus Records

Log.txt (1.6 MB)

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You probably shouldn’t run it as administrator, though I did think this is the cause of your specific problem.

First try to enable plugin sandboxing (run all plugins in sandboxes) in Renoise. This will prevent plugins from crashing Renoise in most cases, and you’ll also get a hint if some of your plugins are causing this. According to the log, you seem to have some plugins in your template song. A faulty one in there can crash everything else that follows.

Alternatively, try working without the plugins in your template for a while and see if it still crashes.


Thank you all!

Just disabled Run as Administrator and it just works…

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