Selection in sample shows length of selection

Selecting an area of a ample shows the length of the selection in both samples and ms .
This would be really helpfull when preparing samples for pure data

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cool, i’ll do that

how’s this:

you enable it and it’ll show the frames/samples, and ms.

coming to a new build of Paketti soon.

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that’s cool

was it you who wanted that offset thing? aka “nothing else, just sample offset”? cos i could wrap this into that tool so you don’t have to suffer through installing the whole Paketti.

Would it be a simple enough thing to add a counter for time in beats/divisions as well?

i guess so, i’ll see

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is this making any sense?

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yeah, that’s great and helpful :slight_smile:

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Cool. Ill send u a WeTransfer link of the newest Paketti

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awesome, thanks!

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