Send FX, pre and post


YES YES YES. This topic comes up again! I posted about it a while back here basically describing exactly the same conundrum.

There are times when Renoise’s architecture is handy, and being able to drop in a #Send at any point in the signal chain certainly does allow for versatile and creative routing.

However, I would also argue that this is highly confusing for new users or users coming over from other DAWs.

To illustrate: A typical user from another DAW might want a compressor at the top of the signal chain, and a send out to a reverb. With the current pre/post-FX system, they’re basically limited to either messing up their gain-staging with the Pre-FX mode faders, or messing up their reverb send with the Post-FX mode. There are of course workarounds, but seeing as a compressor and FX send is such a basic and common configuration for a signal chain, new users would just find it confusing and would wonder why Renoise can’t do this without workarounds.

I guess the hard part for the Renoise team now is how this problem should be approached without breaking backwards-compatibility, because it is obviously not as simple as just putting a “Post-Fader” button on the #Send device, or making a new #FX-Send device which is post-fader.

Regardless though, I also would really really like to see this addressed. Until then Super Mega Dude, get friendly with the Gainer device! B)

PS. Welcome!