Setting Default Values for Sample Properties

When loading samples, it is not possible to set default values for Sample Properties, so, for example, Beatsync and Loop cannot be enabled.

This is very cumbersome when working with a large number of sample loops.

Ctrl+double-click on a sample file in the Disk Browser to open the “Audio file Import Options” dialog.
For example, it would be useful if this dialog could be used to set default values for the following Sample Properties.
The UI should be the same as that implemented in Sample Properties.

  • Beatsync
  • Mode
  • Trigger
  • Loop
  • Mute Group
  • NNA
  • Playback
  • Interpola

Or perhaps a “Use as default” button in the Sample Properties area would be nice.



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please open a ticket in Paketti GitHub and I’ll work this into a “new sample” notifier.

it’ll need to be turned off for Paketti features to work according to spec, though, but hit my discord up and i’ll start setting it up.

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Can’t you save a template song which already has set up your wanted (empty) sampled instruments with these settings pre-configured?

Perhaps you can use dummy instruments with very short silent samples if a waveless instrument wont let you set these values?

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I see. The point about the Loop settings being cleared when a new sample is loaded seems to need to be addressed, but other than that it looks like a good workaround. Thanks kindly.


However, the operation is not natural and jerky, so it would be better to have a selectable default.

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