Shortcut for "enable keyboard"?

Could we please have a keyboard shortcut for toggling “enable keyboard” (that shortcut would obviously not send to the VSTi then, when keyboard is enabled).

I am asking, because for some plugins (e.g. U-he Zebra2) most mouse actions also only work when “enable keyboard” is selected (not really sure why, but that is the case), and having to move the mouse constantly to to that tickbox when switching from tweaking the synth to quickly testing the effects of that tweak (by playing a note withe the keyboard), is very very annoying.

Alternatively, a fix for synths that need “enable keyboard” for mouse interactions would also be very welcome.


would be nice to have

It’s annoying behavior, for sure.

I don’t know if that button is accessible via API, but sounds like an interesting request for Paketti.

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I actually tried looking for the API function for Enable Keyboard but unfortunately was not able to find it. I did however manage to script a randomize shortcut for selected device on track a couple of weeks ago.



@Mr.Sensi unfortunately there has not been an updated version of Renoise with more API functions added, therefore the per-plugin/per-device “Enable Keyboard” has not been added as a function and is not currently available as a keybind or as a tool.

on the off chance you use linux you may want to check here.

I’ve used Renoise in Linux and actually tried that but I didn’t have the greatest results. That aside, I’m currently a on Mac and just wanted a faster way to deal with menu problem in U-He plugins that others mentioned. Having access to a shortcut for that would just speed things up a little bit. Maybe it can be addressed in the next version of Renoise but if not it’s no biggie.

I came here to say “damn I’d love that” and realized I already said it last year


Bump +1