Show Send Track Dsp Chains In Source Tracks

a thing which annoys me is the need to go to the send track each time I want to change a DSP parameter, then go back to the sending track to audition the changes.

it would be good if the Send Metadevice would have a button which shows the Send Track DSP’s inside the source track DSP to allow modifying them in site.

Track 00: Delay | Filter | Send to S01 | Reverb  
Send 01: Chorus | Flanger  

by clicking on the new button, track 00 would show:

Track 00: Delay | Filter | * | Chorus | Flanger | * | Reverb  

the | * | marker could contain something like “S01” written in vertical and of course a button to collapse the DSP chain again

+1 for sure!!!

Very nice idea. Maybe a box around the devices that are in the Send Track rather than the original Track, extended from the Send Device itself and a check box to turn it on off. I likes, I likes.

+1 from here.

It-Alien: I think this would be a good companion feature to this request!

Very useful indeed.