I had a simple idea for a rendering tool, which would be simple to maintain, too:
Kind of Post-render encoding, with a settings dialogue with checkboxes for Flac, m4a, mp3, and quality sliders, very simple, without filename field. So a callback after rendering, calling simple OS specific terminal commands in background. But I don’t wanna do a whole copy of the native rendering dialogue for no obvious reason.
If can only find the following in the API:
renoise.song():render([options,] filename, rendering_done_callback)
So getting render result infos seems to bepossible only if the rendering was triggered manually in a custom way.
So my question are:
Is there a way to observe the callback of the native rendering dialogue? If not, could you add this?
I want to get the rendered .wav file path that the user has chosen, too. Anyhow possible currently?
If not, my suggestion to add to API would be something like this:
rendering_done_callback -> contains full file path of user's chosen one
Thank you for consideration!