I didn’t changed the font. I just added the possibility that C-3 becomes C3, when there is not enough space. So instead of hiding the label, it still show a shorten one. Maybe its related to your theme.
You found a new bug This will be fixed in the next version.
Ok then i have a Feature Request. Can you make chooseable the Painting font in preferences? At this time it uses the Controls Font, but i would strongly prefer to use my Patternfont in your Pianoroll.
The only cosmetic complain i have is its own color scheme. I would really like if it would follow the color scheme of the Renoise theme. I’m currently playing around to try this myself, but i’m not a developer and don’t know if it is possible to grab all colors of the Renoise UI. At least the track color is grabbable…it would be great to be able to map the other colors, too, instead of defining them in the main.lua by hand like i’m doing now.
For the note highlighting, i can add an option for. It’s a fun little idea. For color theme’s, the api is pretty limited. I cant read out theme colors, but i can add options to the preferences, so everyone can tune the color for yourself.
Indeed! So more sadly is, that this not comming from the orifginal Renoise developers self! Reminds me on the Reason Developers. Now their Software is cracked! Muahahahah…!
I’m glad you like the idea. The colored keys was the easiest part, i’ve just replaced the colorNoteHighlight instances with vbw.trackcolor.color and it worked. It’s a good idea to implement this as option, maybe some users do not like the colored keys. I personally think it is useful, because it gives a little hint on which track you are currently.
I also noticed that the track name color is static, it would be great if it would switch between white and black (or light and dark) like on the note names for better readability.
I wasn’t really thinking of the theme colors itself, but the colors of specific elements of the Renoise GUI. Lets take the little step indicator above the grid, i used the colors of the selected button , Selected_Button_Back for the active state and Selected_Button_Font for the inactive state, and was hoping that the Renoise API exposes those colors for use in third party Tools, but i don’t know if this is true.
Not sure what could have happened, but the update broke note preview… Everything else still works fine but I can’t get any note preview to play from the pianoroll no matter what I do.
Edit: Figured it out, for some reason my OSC server crapped out and I had to set it to a different port. All is well
Got this sometimes, too. When Renoise stays open, when i’ve closed it. It’s still running in the background and a new instance of Renoise cant use the port anymore. One of my VSTi’s causing this.
Looks abit like a snake, when i move notes with delay values.
Currently playing with note delay for note off, so you can move notes fluidly off grid. It will not be super smooth, but still useful for some cases.
I’m thinking about adding a delay before updating the pattern. Every time, when you move a note with the mouse, the timer will be resettet. And when you don’t move and the timer hits, the pattern will be refreshed. Currently just an idea. Make mouse handling more smooth is on my todo.
Yes, when this is coming, i’ll add an option for this.
I’m thinking LUAJIT would solve most of these performance issues. Searching for the right spot for a note is not an easy task. Doing this natively would speedup the mouse handling alot. Maybe in future updates of Renoise.