Simple Pianoroll: com.duftetools.SimplePianoroll.xrnx

com.duftetools.SimplePianoroll V2.70 (for Renoise 3.3)

Little bug fixing update + some small little new features :slight_smile:

  • feature: add change note delay of selected notes via mouse wheel while holding shift
  • improved: clear both values (velocity, end velocity or delay or note off delay), when you click the first clear button while holding shift key
  • fix: donā€™t process microsteps action, when no delay column is active
  • fix: alt click note remove conflict with new note movement

I give user ā€œdufteā€ Developer role yesterday and grant fully admin rights on the ā€œSimple Pianorollā€ Channel under toolā€™s section on my discord. Can you check that writing/editing/uploading works properly and give me respond plz? If you need something other simply ask me mate!

happy tracking :slight_smile:

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Looks good.

New Bug maybe or missbehaviour? I always get another cursor now. Its the move cursor with arrow top<->down.

Canā€™t give a screenshot because cursor is not visible on it.

my prefsā€¦


//Edit second bug

if you go prefs and uncheck show currend pressed keys close prefs and go in prefs again and checkk it, then it have no effect! first a left mouseclick enables this function showing again.


Some Question, maybe im wrong, but have you not showing the input note in past C-2, D-3 and so on? Now its shows ā€œCMajā€?! i see the input key now, but nor the played note info. the screenshot shows alt+domsthing because window screenshot shortcut combi.


happy tracking :slight_smile:

Not sure, I havenā€™t changed anything. I canā€™t manipulate the mouse cursor via API. Donā€™t forget that the piano roll uses hidden input boxes below the grid for scroll wheel action. And when you hover over an input box with your mouse cursor, it changes the mouse cursor icon.

Nope not yet. I was thinking about this as new feature. Showing current playing notes, also the corresponding chord of these notes. Itā€™s on my todo.

The piano roll window needs to get focus back, so it can receive key events. When you close the preferences, Renoise gets the focus first. Something, i cant change, yet.

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Had a play with the latest version. The customizable colors are GREAT! Makes it look integral in my theme now :slight_smile: Appreciate that.

Didnā€™t get a chance to go super crazy but it seems to be working good now. Iā€™ll check more on the weekend and refer to the change log.

Thanks great updates!


Such a clever tool.
Some issues I have had.
1 When dragging to marquee select, no marquee is visible (In the read me I think? )
2 When dragging to marquee select over a note, the note you are over will not be part of the selection.
3 Mouse feels a very tiny bit disconnected from note movement when editing, just like it is a slight bit out, not enough to not work, but enough to just feel like something isnā€™t moving like the rest of Renoise UI.
4 Use track color for note highlighting does nothing here?
5 Coloring of the grid seems strange, is some of it governed by Renoises theme or something, changing the grid base seems to be a single control for a whole range of the UI colors (For example, if i want to set the grid lines to a light color and the cell backgrounds within the grid dark, its not possible to do so)
6 Same cursor issue (Up/down arrow)
7 Mouse catch area for sizing feels small, may just be me, but I am often moving a note instead of sizing it, possibly the grab area could get larger the longer the note?

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Would be really nice to have a lock next to note length, right now it always changes to last note length created, being able to lock that to 2 etc would be really slick.

Honestly, this tool has breathed life in to Renoise for me, great stuff.

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Thank you.

Yeah for this, i need to create stretched buttons and add a left click release logic just for the xypad and just for this visible selection rectangle. Thatā€™s the reason why itā€™s missing. The current way reminds me a bit to the lasso tool in FL, which is invisible, too.

The note needs to be 100% inside the rectangle. I think, the invisible rectangle makes this abit complicated.

Did you disabled mouse warping? With enabled mouse warping it feels strange.

Mhn, for me it works.

The grid base color is the ā€œdefaultā€ color for the grid buttons. The border of these buttons are colored by the theme, also the gradient in the buttons. My tool use simple color shading for white / black notes and odd / even bar coloring. You can change the shading amount in the preferences.

Yeah, seems theme related. Nothing i can change here. When i remove the input controls under the grid, we will lose the mouse scroll feature.

Yeah, itā€™s not 100% perfect, but also can be tuned abit in the preferences. I still try to improve this more. Would be easier when i could change the mouse cursor :smiley:

Iā€™ll add an option for this. This automatically readout of note length, velocity, pan etc. is a feature, which i really love in modern piano rolls like FL and Bitwig. Improves my workflow in piano rolls alot.

Yes mouse warping is off, it is only a very slight disconnect from mouse movement, just like it is slightly behind the mouse pointer by a few ms.

Note highlighting is definitely not working here on Win 10.

Maybe i choose a wrong name for it. Note highlighting is, when this note is currently playing. A#3 is currently selected in your screenshot and nothing is playing.

I know what you mean, itā€™s not 100% instant. Maybe its the big hidden Xypad under the grid. When i check the Xypad Meta control, the circle is also sometimes not 100% under the mouse cursor, when you move ā€œfastā€.

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Aha, OK yes I expected note highlighting to be ā€œNote color follows track colorā€
That would be a great option :slight_smile:

As long as mouse behaviour is as expected, all good :wink:

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com.duftetools.SimplePianoroll V2.80 (for Renoise 3.3)

Scale part of notes are now visible. Shading amount and size can be changed:

Scaling and drawing of notes by micro steps is now possible. Scaling also snaps to grid.

  • feature: note scaling via mouse is much easier, because notes are split in move and scale part, which are shaded differently
  • feature: scale notes by micro steps with mouse (using alt key) with snap to grid option
  • feature: scroll through grid during mouse actions, when the current moved note hits the border
  • feature: use track color as note color
  • feature: add option to disable vel, pan, dly and len readout of last selected and drawn note
  • improve: refresh only selected notes on mouse action (some performance optimizations)
  • fix: too long note width, when it hits the right grid border, when end delay is set
  • fix: copy / pasting sometimes wrong note position and nil error
  • fix: retrigger effected notes render error

Edit: I found little bug after the first upload of 2.8 with retrigger effected notes. Its fixed with the current reuploaded 2.8 version.


fantastic speedup of the mouse/noteset actions. i like the note grip area at right side. great job mate! This tool really goes in productivity state.

happy tracking :slight_smile:

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Yay! I love mouse wheel functionality


com.duftetools.SimplePianoroll V2.90 (for Renoise 3.3)

Added a new shortcut to set the current scale highlighting:

I saw several videos of deadmau5 creating chords and i want this kind of workflow in my tool. It set the edit cursor position on each selection change to the start of the selection. With ctrl + space you can start playing from this position. Note duplication with ctrl is also possible now. So the overall handling of this is quite easy:

The edit cursor position is shown in the play head row. You can use the cursor keys left and right to move it, when no note is selected:

The selection with mouse is now visible and also selects notes, which get just touched by it:


Key labels can be changed now (all notes, notes in scale, root notes, none):


Full changelog:

  • feature: add option to specify what key labels are shown (all notes, in scale, root notes, none)
  • feature: set scale highlighting shortcut via button under piano keyboard
  • feature: add visible selection rectangle and improve performance abit
  • improved: show edit cursor position, also follows now note selections
  • improved: add option to disable centering view, when opening piano roll
  • changed: ctrl+space/shift+space starts playing from edit cursor position
  • changed: change rectangle selection to select notes when ā€œtouchedā€ instead of inside
  • changed: cursor keys left and right move the edit pos, when no note is selected
  • changed: allow ctrl also for note duplication, removed move notes in scale while holding ctrl (use cursor keys shortcut instead)
  • changed: rebuild piano roll dialog once or when the grid dimension was changed (will improve opening time)
  • fix: too long key labels
  • fix: grid clicks outside pattern handled wrong
  • fix: play from mouse cursor shortcut removed selection
  • fix: delay column was enabled, when it was not needed during scaling with mouse
  • fix: possible stuck notes during previewing while transposing

:star_struck: just when I thought toimp couldnā€™t push the API graphics much further!


edit: bit of a bug?

When Mouse Warping in on in renoise, the cursor will snap to bottom left corner all the time

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Its the snap function of the Xypad. I need this to detect left mouse click release. Its used to hide the selection rectangle. Seems to be the only way to do this in this way, yet.


Awssome update mate! i very like the note selection function. Maybe i found a little bug in this release. i dont know if this is expected behaviour. If i have changed the note scale to ā€œNoneā€ the half notes marks are gone too. That looks some weird. Maybe better on this point would be an option ā€œNormalā€ or ā€œdefaultā€ for having no accord scale, but have marked halfnotes for better overview and orientation in the grid.
Go on with that wunderful tool, and please devs. Think about overtaking this masterpiece in renoise mainprogram as native part. That would make things much easier and better again.

happy tracking :slight_smile:

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This is insanely good, to be fair I would really love maybe the mouse catch area for scaling to be a little bigger, 10 is just about usable for my dumb old eyes and wobble fingers.

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