So cool! Nice improvement ! Love it ! It’s now way more convenient to use !
Thanx a lot for this wonderful tool !
Hello mate!
First thanks for all your work that you invest in your great tool, which me personally give new inspiration to create some music with renoise. I dont use that historize function in your tool because i dont understand the exact function till now. As far i can investigate it seems to be there to doing random range FX Values to a Note selection or complete Notecolumn (or Note-Track?). But in my testing yesterday i get aware some strange behaviour. Always when i startet it from Pianoroll window, then there are Values showing at least for Vol and Pan which are on the Notes showing in histogram when it has opened. But if i set the cursor in a Notecolum which definitely has Vol and or Pan FX values and open it by contextmenu, the histogram is empty! I dont know if that is something right functionality or it’s maybe a inittialisation bug. But that is what i noticed during playing with the tool yesterday.keep going on!
happy tracking
It is important to be cautious when clicking within the column in the tracker. Occasionally, this action results sometimes in a selection that is only one line tall. If the histogram is then opened with no notes within that selection, it will display nothing. I noticed this behavior during my tests, but I decided to leave it as it is for now.
Generally, if there is no specific selection, the entire track, including all note columns, is considered. However, if only a particular note column needs to be edited, that column should be selected specifically. As far as i know, there is a keyboard shortcut for this.
Ok mate, thanks for your more detailed explanations.
i don’t know why this doesn’t become part of the program , the people holding onto renoise as what it is are holding it back , if it has this expanded and proper audio recording it would be one size fits all
I created a fix for the histogram version because there were situations where it doesn’t recognized the correct notes in the correct track or pattern. It can now be downloaded here:
Thank you, selections now work too
I had your newest update opened in a track, for a short period while playing back audio, closed the gui window and loaded up a new song. I did some internetting, leaving the song untouched for at least 10 minutes and while switching back to renoise got;
"‘\Scripts\Tools\com.duftetools.SimplePianoroll.xrnx\main.lua’ failed in one of its notifiers.
The notifier will be disabled to prevent further errors.
Please contact the author (dufte (toimp)) for assistance…
std::logic_error: ‘invalid note_column index ‘1’. no note_column’s are available.’
stack traceback:
[C]: in function ‘note_column’
main.lua:5224: in function main.lua:5216"
Thank you for your reporting. I hope I can reproduce the issue.
Hey there all, sorry if this question has been asked and answered already. Can’t seem to find this in the manual. But is there a way to zoom in and out of the grid? I tend to work at a high LBP so the default grid is too zoomed in for me to work with SPR effectively.
Loving the tool so far thank you so much for developing it. Just need to be able to zoom in and out easily and it would be perfect.
Hi, unfortunately, this is not possible at the moment. However, it could be something that might come in future updates. I’ll add it to my to-do list.
Okay! Super kudos for everything you’ve done already, this is so impressive, but grid zoom +/- is a super wishlist feature for me . The way this works on piano roll studio is very smooth, so I know its possible.