So, when I first started using Renoise (1.8) I made quite a few peices using nothing more than a sine wave and the 808 kit. The more music I make the more I find a sine wave is not a common choice. I personally like the pure harmonically baren sound. I notice when in its low range gives off too much bass (which redlines) and the high notes are ear peircing.
Does anybody have any tips on what kind of treatment I could give sine waves to fix this as well as some ways to give the sine waves some texture?
I don’t plan on switching to another wave because I like writing withsine waves.
Also. I hear that all sounds are made up of sine waves, can somebody explain how that works to me? How would I create other sounds using sine waves?
This may be a little over your head but studying the Fourier Series and analysis might give you an understanding. But in basic a sine wave is a single pitch, every sound you heard is a combination of pitches modulating over time. For any repeating wave (single cycle waveform) you loose this modulation over time and have a static combination of pitches at different phases and amplitudes, each of which can be represented as sine wave. This will have a fundamental (base frequency) and all other components will be a multiple of this frequency.
Additive synthesis uses exactly the method to try and build up complex sounds. FM (well all modulation methods really) may be quite confusing in that it breaks the rules as you get C, C+M, C-M etc frequencies, rather than all being a harmonic of a fundamental frequency like they are in static waves.
I would say a sawtooth wave is one of the most versatile devices for creating various sounds. Sine wave is not that easy to shape, cause there is nothing to shape unless you create additional harmonics by distorting it somehow.
personally, i work with sine-waves a lot because i love how pure they sound. there are lots of ways to give it a bit of texture. in the sample editor you could just use the draw tool and draw some irregularities in the waveform. you could also just lower the amplitude to soften it a bit.
what i recently do is just check out this huge single-cycle waveform pack, which has loads of sine-waves and variations on them. there’s bound to be one there that is the sound you’re looking for.
Thx Ive been watching discovery once and they were showing woman with sine voice, she did uuuuuu and sine showed, they said: “wow impossible”. Guy came and made aaaaaaaa, and gues what? No sine. Ive been laughing cuz they told that woman had paranormal abilities haha.
But every talking human can make sinewave from voice Just UUuuuu sound
I found the low resolution Renoise chip insruments sine works a lot better for distorted ‘wobble’ bass than the new high resolution ones. I use a lot of distortion for that, mainly fold, sometimes a shift and topped with a short delay.
Sine also works nicely with shift distortion in most octaves.