Before we start adding these features, we can at least guarantee that all the already implemented features work 100%. Just imho, please dont use this as a skale vs. renoise fight. I just dont like that “It has all, but nothing really works” software developing philosophy.
Oh, and i’s always nice to see progress elsewhere too!
Hh… I wants 1hcompo!!!
Hehe, maybe I should suggest that for the skale-folks? Since it’s so damned scene-related, why not go all the way and implement some IRC-client with a possibility to act as OHC-server!! Now, i KNOW lots and lots of people would like that…
I just tried to get SkaleVSTi to work in Renoise, really just for the hell of it… Well it does’nt work, maybe i should report it as a bug in “[VST] - Renoise 1.5 Bugreports”? heheheha nahh…
VSTi works in Skale now. However, no midi out just yet. It’s coming up though.
Everybody should see VSTi as a priority . Then you could use any VST host in any other VST host and everybody would be happy since everybody would get the features they want .
The first song I opened played wrong in the new version of Skale. Buggy as hell. I still use 0.76… Well, for OHC compos. If only Renoise could save to .xm…
SF2 isn’t just a playback of more samples, the samples could also be layered and have different filters.
As martinal said, they would probably not be able to make a more optimized soudfont player, than a company with fulltime employes who made a specialized soundfont player.
But he could be wrong…
The advantage would be that you would be able to have support for tracker commands and hopefully automation.
The soundfont engine in Skale does not sound correct…I havn’t been able to play any of my soundfonts right in Skale…
I think a major part of the CPU usage of sfz comes of it’s really good sample interpolation. In Renoise we have a worse (but less cpu-eating) kind of interpolation when not-rendering, so I think it would save CPU to be able to play soundfonts with Renoise.
As far as I know we have a bicubic realtime interpolation in Renoise.
Not that my PC is too slow but I’d love to have a simple linear interpolation without setting my performance to ‘mid’ or ‘low’. I mean, still having reverb, but using an optional linear interpolation would be nice. Just in case I wanna beat the hell out of my CPU. But for music, not for interpolation.
The reason: While I’m working in realtime in Renoise, I don’t really care how much better the bicubic interpolation would sound compared to the linear.
Now don’t tell me I’m too oldskool. I’m not. It just makes more sense to me to use the CPU power for realtime-working and not for a very high quality that I wouldn’t hear immediately.
I know, some people would like to tell me that they even hear the difference between bicubic and sinc. It’s okay, but once your 2Ghz CPU goes nuts, do you want to switch off reverb then or would you like to try a linear interpolation?