So This Is Tv Now, Huh?

Hence NoTV? I always thought that track was satirical because of the extreme fundamentalist religious samples being used.

Haha you definitely take my music too seriously! :D Have you tried to spell the first song backwards by the way? ;)

lol… I’m presuming that’s a tagging reference?

I deny everything! :unsure:

I just watched 1-10 of flashforward the other day on hulu, I liked it. Lost is back on, always good!

I forgot to mention Shameless, a fuckin riot that one! :D

TV mostly sucks A$$

Last I saw of NatGeo, Discovery and such was mostly a huge change over the last several years from informative documentary type programming to the fast-cut sensory-overload sports network sensationalism style cliff hangers of big money programming. The survivorman series was pretty good, unsure if it’s still running. If Steve Zissou made programs for any of those networks, I would watch them. :)