Suddenly, my whole project is 4 dB quieter, every channel outputs at a 4 dB less than it actually should. Great, extra headroom, right? Nope. When I compensate for it, the master bus starts clipping at around -4 dB.
I would use the template form to issue this report, but the form doesn’t really fit with my problem. I don’t know what causes this and what steps are necessary to recreate the conditions of my current predicament. It randomly happened fairly late into some preliminary gain staging (I’m still writing the track). It’s not an issue with my sound driver either since these settings are identical to the ones in other tracks I’m currently workig on.
Don’t know if this makes a difference but the plug-ins used in this project are:
Audio Damage Eos
Fabfilter Pro-Q
GVST Gmonobass
D16 Group Devastor 2
NI Massive
Sonic Charge Microtonic
BPB Filtercrusher
NI Guitar Rig
Audio Damage Dubstation
TAL Flanger
NI Driver
I use a TC Electronic Desktop Konnekt 6 audio interface and the supplied ASIO driver.
There is nothing on the master channel, except for a Maximizer with no boost and the threshhold at -0,020 dB. I have more than enough headroom left where the maximizer is not activated and it’s solely there to save my ears and monitors incase something like a gain spike or feedback loop is making a lot of noise.