as an example.
Now, this is really cool! Being able to create keyboard shortcuts for your VST/AU/Native choices. Really neat!
But the possibility of listing all VST/AU/Native Track DSP devices and the possibility of listing all VST/AU plugins available begs a few questions (oh no, here we go )
Is it possible to “capture” either of the lists and to display them as a drop-down menu in a window dialog?
Is it possible to define, say, 16 Track DSP “slots” in a window dialog so that the user can drop-down menu his “16 favourite Track DSP devices” onto the interface, then they are magically saved or looked up by shortcut requests (i.e. Once the user defines his/her 16 fave VSTs and 16 fave VSTinstruments, for instance - they can call them with their 16+16 shortcuts).
I realize that’s a pretty tall order. Well… It can be complex or simple. I think at it’s simplest it’d be a customized window which has a bunch of buttons which start up functions. A kind of a “API function button template”. How would I go about doing something like this?
local mylist =
for t = 1,#mylist do
print (mylist[t])
--Depending on what id you gave to your popup, assumed is "popup" like in the ExampleToolGui:
vb.popup.items = mylist
Assuming your list of choices is called “popup_two” and you have a button with a “>” character in it to indicate the user can push his favorite into the next list:
vb:button {
text = ">",
width = 30,
pressed = function()
--Add the current selected item from list one to the current selected slot in list two
vb.popup_two.items[vb.popup_two.value] = vb.popup.items[vb.popup.value]
Well, I did look at ExampleToolGui and got lost in the “show all functions” (function available_controls() ).
I did find a popup:
-- popup
local popup_row = vb:row {
vb:text {
text = "vb:popup"
vb:popup {
id = "popup",
width = 100,
value = 2,
items = {"First", "Second", "Third"},
notifier = function(new_index)
local popup = vb.views.popup
show_status(("popup value changed to '%s'"):
However, since available_controls is such a smorgasbord of things, I’m not exactly sure how to mash what you wrote and what ExampleToolGui has together while retaining functionality
I forgot the views part in the object tree (
All GUI objects are placed in the renoise.viewbuilder() object.
the simple vb = renoise.viewbuilder() simply creates an alias for renoise.viewbuilder()
You can address an object by giving it a unique ID in its definition.
whenever you set id = “my_object_id”, the way to address an object then becomes:
Whatever property is attached to it, you can then easily change.
In your snippet you can see that the id = “popup” has been set for the popup object. That refers to how i approach it in my example.
It looks a bit confusing as the word has been plastered all over the example, also on places where it doesn’t really have a big influence on functionality of the object.
Here’s a snippet that does the listing:
-- Placeholder for the dialog
local dialog = nil
-- Placeholder to expose the ViewBuilder outside the show_dialog() function
local vb = nil
-- Reload the script whenever this file is saved.
-- Additionally, execute the attached function.
_AUTO_RELOAD_DEBUG = function()
-- Read from the manifest.xml file.
class "RenoiseScriptingTool" (renoise.Document.DocumentNode)
function RenoiseScriptingTool:__init()
self:add_property("Name", "Untitled Tool")
self:add_property("Id", "Unknown Id")
local manifest = RenoiseScriptingTool()
local ok,err = manifest:load_from("manifest.xml")
local tool_name = manifest:property("Name").value
local tool_id = manifest:property("Id").value
-- GUI
local function show_dialog()
-- This block makes sure a non-modal dialog is shown once.
-- If the dialog is already opened, it will be focused.
if dialog and dialog.visible then
-- The ViewBuilder is the basis
vb = renoise.ViewBuilder()
local mylist =
local favorites = {}
-- The content of the dialog, built with the ViewBuilder.
local content = vb:row {
margin = 10,
vb:popup {
id = "popup",
width = 400,
value = 1,
items = mylist,
notifier = function(new_index)
} ,
vb:button {
-- buttons can also have custom text/back colors
text = ">",
width = 30,
pressed = function()
local choice = vb.views.popup.items[vb.views.popup.value]
favorites[#favorites+1] = choice
vb.views.popup_two.items = favorites
vb:popup {
id = "popup_two",
width = 400,
value = 1,
items = {"one","two"},
notifier = function(new_index)
-- A custom dialog is non-modal and displays a user designed
-- layout built with the ViewBuilder.
dialog =, content)
-- Menu entries
renoise.tool():add_menu_entry {
name = "Main Menu:Tools:"..tool_name.."...",
invoke = show_dialog
When you also want to store the values, you have to save the information using the renoise.document API.
There are various snippets around that store information into and retreive info from an xml file. (createtool for instance)
Thanks vV for the snippet, I did finally check it out and see what it does. I’ll just have to comprehend it a bit more before I can start modifying it.
Here’s where I’m at now:
What I don’t get is the new_index thing, a function defines a new_index, but where is that written to / read from?