[SOLVED] Keyboard doing weird things?

Alright I’m going insane over this shit, why did my keyboard change colors and for some reason when I play some notes it plays others and some notes just can’t be played anymore?! There are no options for this? I can’t find anything in settings and it just “happened” out of the blue… wtf is this?

It’s ONLY on my vocal instrument too. What is this for and how do I change it back?

Like it’s giving me B-4 when I press C-4? … But in the song it’s fine since the C-4 is placed down. I just can’t press C4 for some reason? … And it does this with a bunch of the keys.

You enabled scale/tuning for the instrument, it should be next to the Instrument presets chooser with the note icon in the top-right corner of the Sampler tab. (in the screenshot below D# natural minor is selected)

Pick “No scale” to disable it.

Omg you’re a lifesaver!

I had absolutely no idea this was a thing!

Thank you!

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