Hi. I know how to map a controller knob on my keyboard to a DSP effect… But how do I do something as simple as mapping the play button on my keyboard to the play command in Renoise? (or how do I map a stop key to the stop command?) I tried modifying the key assignments under Preferences but Renoise doesn’t seem to recognise the keys that I press on my keyboard. Can Renoise actually do this or would I need some third party software to map the keyboard midi commands to PC keypresses?
Oops… I Renoise 2.5 beta is the answer to this…
OK, I’ve tried Renoise 2.5… Why is it that I have to press the play button my keyboard twice for it to work? Same goes for all other buttons - its almost like you have to double click buttons for them to work. Is there a way in which I can fix this please?