[SOLVED] Q: OSX: How to start Renoise in ReWire slave mode?

Hi, I’m, once again, back to square 1.

Am trying to create an Apple Script with the Script Editor, which would start up Ableton Live, then Renoise in ReWire mode.

What should I do to accomplish this, preferably without having to start a Terminal?

“If for some reason you want to start Renoise in a forced slave mode without requiring to confirm slave-mode, you can use the command parameter “-ForceRunningAsSlave”. A ReWire master however has to be active and perhaps in specific cases be prepared to accept Renoise as a slave host, prior to starting Renoise with this parameter. If no Rewire master is active (or detected!) during the startup, Renoise ignores the parameter and starts up (by default) in master-mode.”

“If for some reason you want to start Renoise in a forced slave mode without requiring to confirm slave-mode, you can use the command parameter “-ForceRunningAsSlave”. A ReWire master however has to be active and perhaps in specific cases be prepared to accept Renoise as a slave host, prior to starting Renoise with this parameter. If no Rewire master is active (or detected!) during the startup, Renoise ignores the parameter and starts up (by default) in master-mode.”

Thanks, I was able to solve it.

AppleScript now looks like this (I have to save it as an .app and then launch it, but it works):

tell application “Sample Manager” to activate

delay 5

tell application “Ableton Live 9 Suite” to activate

delay 5

tell application “Ableton Live 9 Suite” to activate

delay 25

do shell script"exec /Applications/Renoise_Reg.app/Contents/MacOS/Renoise -ForceRunningAsSlave"

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