Renoise - Sample Properties - Panning are (Picture - bottom left)
50L - Center - 50R
Why is here only 50% and not 100% hard pan L/R possible?
At Midi (Inside Renoise - Native Effect Meta - Inst Midi Control) panning at the
Controller CC 10 with value curve 0-127
00L - 64 Center - 127R
Here is 100%, hard pan L/R (with ext. Soundhardware) possible
How can the Midi values be convert to Renoise Properties, to hear the same sampled Sound as with the original Midi Hardware?
Examples: (General Midi pannings for Roland Drummachines)
Vibra-slap - pan 29
Claves - pan 84
Hand Clap - pan 54
No, unfortunately not, i compared Audio/Midi (Renoise/Roland PMA-5) with Headphones
You can also visually see it well (probably only with Audio, Wavefiles) right on the Renoise Spectrum Analyzer
I drew up a silly table of rough possible scaled values. The reason I did this was not because I want to discuss if 50L is hard panned left or not, nor different panning laws etc. The reason is because I wanted to simply test column mode in a text editor
tried again
Compare Panning: Effect Command -Pxx 00-80 (full left/right according to Manual) with Sample Properties 50R / 50L on the Spectrum Analyzer and see no difference.
Take headphones and hear full left / right with Effect Command
and this time also full left / right with Sample Properties
Have no idea why I heard something else last night. …