Hey guys,
thank you for the great beta. Very enjoying it.
There is some real problem on the OSX version of 3.1 on 32 and 64 build, that was already a topic here in the forum:
Since a lot of sliders now update the status bar on movement, the gui totally slows down while movement. Even the slider stutters.
I don’t know if this happens because of status bar messages, I only see a slow down, if I move a slider. In pattern, on the slider itself. The whole gui.
The only workaround “a bit” fixes it is to add this to Info.plist:
I would suggest to you to make the same workaround like I did in the faderport driver. There status line output runs thru a delay timer. The first output will directly displayed, the next delayed by 1000/60ms. If while this wait, another output appears, the timer will be deleted and again set.
This doesn’t bring any visual drawback (since refresh is about 60hz blabla), but almost totally fixes the gui stuttering.
Please fix this problem. Thanks.
EDIT: Since the status bar updates also appear in 3.01, something in the gui code seems to be changed.