just putted up some stuff from me on the song page. These are some old titles made at may and earlier. Also under my old handle [ST]CC. All stuff is remastered and I hope I´m near enough a good volume and no distortion
If you want to see the source then just ask me
Of course I wouldn´t post here if I don´t wanna comments
So please leave some feedback in here (bad and good… all is appreciated)
Yep, that was me Sorry when I was quiet a long time to u, it was some time back when I moved to an another server including mail. gnrghh, and before I forgot to backup my contacts wwas all lost argh
Well, my ressources in case of the drumming are indeed the most times drumloops. Sadly I was ripping the most but I also found some on the net. Try this link http://clix.to/samples4u. There is some nice stuff in my opinion, well in kinda middle quality but that’s my way. I like to push the poor quality up. EQing, filtering, stereoING and so on
I also take out sometimes some clean stuff from commercial tunes. not really copyright conform I know . Of course I’m trying to modify and let get them my own touch at least .
Also myself is using sometimes a drummachine. Like Steinberg’s BeatBox or Hammerhead Rythem Station. (I have to post those links later, have to search after the URL again )
In case of some tips, well maybe not really tips 'coz I still didn’t found my way to do so at the moment. But myself I prefer to use heavily sample-offsets (9xx) on the loops to let them playing how I like.
Also I do very often some cutting on them (preferbly in CoolEdit or Renoise itself). Cutting out the basedrum, the hihats, fills etc.
Well can’t say more to that, me still also at practise
Same applies at me Just tracking by ear…
weeellll, I thank you for the nice feedback and also that you got my interrest in NI Pro-5x and Absynth (remember ? ) they rock! Also sorry when my tips aren’t that what you expected
umm… me still interessted… is there also any other stuff to say??? Something to improve??? I bet you girls and guys let me know please