Some Hip Hop

It’s been a little while since I’ve used Renoise. I got an Akai LPK25 controller and it seems I make music a lot slower on it than simply using the computer keyboard. Good thing I use a tracker and can ditch the MIDI gear when I want to!

I made these simple beats at two different times on the same day. One in the early morning and, later that day, again in the evening. I tried something a little different than what I usually do but made them in the same style and follow the same elements. I’ve found the workflow in Renoise makes my music sound different and do different things than making the same kind of music in other softwares. It’s an interesting effect for me.


Files are too quiet. Turn up your headphones!



good stuff bro, but i noticed the first beat’s snare volume is kinda low otherwise everything else is really cool. Especially the swing w/bass and drums on the second track.

Hey, thanks! I’m glad you liked them.
The snare layer in the first beat was really bass-centric and didn’t offer much in the mids, yet it was clipping like crazy. I fiddled with it until it stopped clipping, I didn’t realize it was too low at that point. I’ll fix it for the future. Thanks.

Great stuff here. Getting vibes reminiscent of Dabrye tracks :)