It would be nice if you in the pattern editor could also see the patterndata from the next and previous pattern in the sequence. Instead of the black area showing after line 63, you should see how the next pattern continues from line 1, maby with a grey color.
You should also be able to move between the patterns in the sequence just by scrolling down to the next pattern, or up to the previous (you should be able to turn on/off this feature with a shortcut). Would make it much easier to work with things happening just between two patterns.
You should have a visible grid in the automation window.
My idea of a better sample offset: In the sample editor, you could set specific points in your sample. If you have a drumloop, you could maby set a point on every bassdrum and every snare. Every point is given a number. (1, 2, 3, 4). Then you could use a new offset command to tell which offset-point to play from.
You should also be able to tell if renoise should play the rest of the sample from that offset-point, or just until the next one.
Creating shortcuts to edit by keyboard in addition to mouse, zooming and selecting parts of envelope for copying, clearing, compressing or other edit operations. Synchronizing with the zoom level of the piano roll.[/i]
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as to #1, if included, make sure it can be turned on/off - preferably with a shortcut key. modplugtracker had this feature under options, and personally I hated it most of the time (made things messy), but it would be cool to have at certain times when working with a lead, for instance, that evolves over several patterns. then again, i won’t go into options and turn it on/off everytime. only if there is a simple way to switch between these two modes i will use it.
#2 is a brilliant idea that i should have thought of myself, and i apologise to everyone for not doing so.
#3 seems a little extraneous to me, but it reminds me that it would be very nice to have more than one instrument running from the same sample (not sure how this could fit into the GUI though). also, the ability to have multiple envelopes for an instrument, with an effect command that toggles between which is in use (or a command that just triggers an envelope for one note. or both), would be fantastic.
#3 Using the original offset command is ok, but what if you change your sample a little (cut some of the beginning)? Then you have to change every offset command. With just setting the points in the sample, it will be much easier to change where you want the offset to be.
And how accurate is the offset command today? Using numbers for what offset-point you will use is also much more intuitive than the numbers you have to use in the offset command today.
If you want to play with loops today, then its a big pain in the ass. You have to write down every offset on a paper for every offset you want to use. Change the sample a little, and everything is f***ed up.
People want a slicer for their loops like in other music software? Isnt that just the same thing as I’m talking about? The software then sets some offsetpoints in the sample that you can use. When you first have the ability to set offset points, then it wouldnt be very hard to make the software choose what offset points to use for loops. You could always edit them later if you’re not happy with them.
You should have the oppurtunity to only play a sample from one offset point to the next. Then you can choose to play only the snare in the middle of the loop.
These features shouldnt be any hard to do at all, but would be very very very nice to have. See the opportunities here folks!!! Using regular offset commands is old, horrible, stupid and a pain to use!
i agree with Toa here. “slicing” the sample would be a great feature!
commands could be something like:
0901 - play from marker #1
1901 - play from marker #1, stop at the next
and so on and so forth… its true, the offset command is not very accurate, it takes a LONG arse time to figure out which value belongs where on the sample and it seems hopeless with long samples. furthermore, tao’s right on the point with regards to sample editing. you change a sample with the offset command, everything is messed. just imagine how much easier this would be by draggin a marker in the sample editor!
its a very very cool idea this!! i would pay for it
how does the developers feel about this??? i guess that is the most interesting part now…
Does this really solve every problem there is with the offset command? Why does always people try to find reasons why to NOT implement new and good features into a software product.
This is a very good feature to have for loops and vocals. Using todays offset command is just plain terrible.
As far as option 3 goes, I feel I would prefer to use the original sample offset, because If I felt that I needed to play the offset from a different position, I would be require to make new markers. Using the sample offset feature you can do this very quickly.
Personally I’d like to see both features. Keep the 09xx command as is, introduce a new methodology to play slices (perhaps instead of adding a new command add a slice column). Of course I like martinal’s idea (read in some other thread) of getting rid of commands and just having columns for every effect you want to use for a particular note-column. IMO the effect-command methodology is dated and it would be more flexible just to have an effect-column (you can turn them on and off per note column) for each type of effect you want to use.