Some news about the upcoming Renoise release

I’ll count to 10 and when I’ll finish Renoise will be released

one… one and one hundredths…

Even Logic Pro X is out now

who cares Logic XYZ.34986 ver 1234678 * 10

Logic has “tracker” now, look at the right part of the screen on video

explain to me what you’re talking about.

edit: you could not be more wrong. that’s just the Event List.
that’s been there for decades.

I wonder if LUA will still be a part of the next renoise or if we will also see a change of language? You have to admit the amount of time this is taking is only building to the excitement, can hardly wait for xmas!

Ps if you want to use other DAWS like logic whats stopping you? go ahead Im sure you will return to renoise. Renoise is fast, full of features and sounds great! costs a fraction of other software!

just kidding

i don’t wanna use logic or other daws, i just cant wait for renoise 3.0 beta announcement

Oh, I hope not. I will definitively not rewrite all my Tools in yet another language :panic:

Adding support for a new language doesn’t mean removing support for the legacy language.

I’d like to see midi note translation. So you could write a tool that would translate midi notes from, say a launchpad, to various different scales. That way we could play it like the Ableton Push, all in box!

beta in the backstage :)

Can’t believe that I fell for it again. How many times?!

Maybe they have already changed language for the main programming as well. Like, dblue thought C++ was a language for lamers and taktik then became upset and decided to re-code Renoise 100% in assembly language…

Of course I’m not serious. ;)/>

It’s hard to tell on the intertubes sometimes.

Personally, I hope that the devs have been inspired by the amount of tools written for Renoise so far by the users and that they have decided to open up Renoise even more to 3rd party developers. Imagine Renoise being cut into modular pieces that could be combined in new ways, and new API’s for C++ programmers to dive into…

Somebody suggested to me that anything could be coming to 3.0, and there was no way to speculate with some level of accuracy. I’m not so sure about that, given the history of Renoise development so far. To me it seems the developers in general stand firmly rooted in the “community spirit”, so to speak. I’d guess they would prioritize new features that have been spoken for several times in these very forums. It’s just a gut feeling of course, but I find it hard to believe that 3.0 will have evoke feelings such as “ehhh… what?”, it will probably more be like “ah, that much discussed feature implemented in a new way”…

cough open source cough

If Renoise ever became 100% open source, it would probably die as a coherent project within 12 months.

But that’s an interesting thought… Maybe that’s what they’ll do, partially. Like, providing full access to everything but a small core of the software, which is still controlled and maintained by the official Renoise developers. That seems to be a general trend within the DAW world these days. Like Presonus and Celemony implemting ARA technology, Ableton implementing third party effects like The Glue, and Reason opening up the rack to RE developers.

Maybe Lua scripting was just a prequel?